Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

Our TV has been acting up lately, and I thought the sound cutting out was the end of it, but glad to hear it was something else. LOL

I loved the interaction in the beginning with Ariel and Zach. She called him out on a couple things in a classy fashion, without being petty. Zach, of course, fumbled around and made excuses before finally saying “I make no excuses.” Ariel definitely came out on top.

I believe Gabi when she says Zach knew he would pick Kaity well ahead of when he said he did. I don’t understand how someone in his position could not know until the last second. The format of the show forces that type of drama, and Zach just has to go along with it and play dumb, at the expense of Gabi. The confirmation for me was that Kaity didn’t seem the least bit nervous at the final rose, and didn’t give a sense of relief when Zach let her know that he had chosen her. Kaity knew.

I give applause to Gabi for standing strong after being dumped, and not wanting to hear Zach’s BS. But in the same fashion that he shamed Kaity for having an opinion about Zach’s fantasy suite debacle, Zach didn’t respect Gabi’s wishes. He just kept trying to tell her what he thought, and she didn’t want to hear it.

Lol, I was like “did I hit mute on the remote? Where’s the mute button!!?”

I always think that the main contestant having to face former contestants on the special “rose” shows is like penance or punishment! I think they are coached to just go on, say little, nod yes and let the former contestant have their words. Ariel is heads above Zach in many ways and last night wasn’t the first night that was evident!!

I think there will be some interesting interviews coming from Gabi in the near future.


Did y’all catch when Gabi got out of the car that she said it was too muddy and don’t make Katiy get out there? She knew that she was first and was going home.

I missed the fantasy suite episode so I don’t know how it all went down, but I felt for Gabi. Is it a bit naive to think that people wouldn’t find out that they slept together? Yes. But she seemed legitimately hurt and embarrassed. I loved the way that Ariel called Zach on his taking her agency away when HE decides what’s going to happen rather than making that decision together.

As I said, I didn’t watch every episode, but I felt like Zach was trying to be a good guy and was shown how not being that great of a guy. I loved it, personally.

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I’m on the west coast and we did not have any sound issues.

I liked this season early on. I liked his interactions with the women and having more insight into who the women were. That all seemed to end around the time he got COVID. I really disliked the fact that they (Jesse) kept bringing up the fantasy suite issue. They were desperate to create drama and sound bits to draw viewers in. Gabi was right when she said that sex sells.

My guess is that Zach wanted to let Gabi go before the final rose. They built up the sex with Gabi to try to make it seem like he had a closer relationship with her. It was probably obvious in all the tape that they had and they had to make it look like he was torn. There was likely a lot more to that final night conversation than we saw. Zach was trying to tell her without outright telling her. There was also more to why Gabi was hesitant to meet his parents. As Gabi mentioned, the conversation at the fantasy suite rose ceremony was directed to one person - Kaity. All three - Zach, Gabi and Kaity knew what his decision was. I thought it was an anticlimactic and boring final episode.

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Yes, while the bench conversation before meeting his parents might have been longer than we saw I thought there was nothing said on that bench between Gabi and Zach that should have really made her say “Ok, I’m all better! Let’s go meet your parents!”.

Zach is sort of 2 for 2 of seasons and fantasy suites apparent “disasters”. Rachel and now Gabi. We will probably never know what happened in either. No blame to put because they both said the sex was consensual but did either Gabi or Zach somehow do some “convincing” in that suite to break the “no sex” rule?

I think that overall Zach played out to be pretty much what many thought from the start. A little boring. A little controlling - or sort of like, “business like”. Not the best with words.

And yep it was clear when Kaity was walking up on the beach that she had nothing to worry about with Zach’s big smile. But I have to say, it sort of sounded like SHE proposed to HIM! I think she did more of the talking!

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I loved(!) that Gabri gave the production team h&ll for parking in mud!

The missing word in the caption is “her”

“When it actually matters, when Kaity arrives, don’t do that to her”

Yes, of course he knew who he was going to choose - and I hope they’re successful.

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The dream couple broke up!!

The Golden Bachelor will premier this fall on Monday nights

Bachelor in Paradise will also be this fall for 2 hours on Tuesday nights.

ABC is clearly not expecting the writers strike to end soon. The entire schedule is basically reality shows and game shows.

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I am I the only one that can’t imagine the Golden version? :thinking:

The last thing we want is actually mature people on the show! :laughing:

They can be old but still not mature. lol

The new season started last night with Charity Lawson. Anyone watch?


I did. I could not stand the guy she gave the first impression rose to. Looks like there will be lots of drama this season

I did not watch. Like Project Runway (which I am not watching, lol) I said I wasn’t going to watch this season of 'rette … I just don’t feel connected with Charity. But also have to admit one of my fav tv podcasts is Bachelor Party and I love listening to them talk about the show…so…I may cave and see if I warm up to it. The first night is always kind of painful to me with the limo entrances so maybe I’ll fast forward around that.

Was it a decent first episode??

I think there is potential for Charity to find love. Wish her brother would have continued on with his undercover mission.

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For the first time in many, many seasons, I’m all in. I like Charity and liked more of these guys than usual from a first night.

Ugh, I wouldn’t have given that guy the first impression rose. They made it sound like he was really bragging about that first kiss, but he sounded more immaturely excited about it than braggy to me. But I got a phone call so wasn’t paying super-close attention. There were a few guys I liked way more than that one.

At first, I was annoyed by the undercover brother’s disguise, but a smart contestant would research her so he would’ve been recognizable.

Thought the limo exits were more reasonable than in years past. I appreciate that it all seemed a little more reminiscient of seasons of old.

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Immature, excited, and somewhat nerdy is how I would describe the recipient of the first rose. I kind of liked him. I really struggled to watch one guy talk to Charity, believing he must be on the autism scale.

Spencer. And she kept him! Ugh, definitely a producer pick.


I was very surprised she kept Spencer.

It would be kind of hard to get rid of him after his big proclamation (don’t want to spoil it for those who haven’t watched). Maybe they plan on discussing autism on the show. It would help people recognize it.