Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

Like I said, a producer pick. They had a motive for casting him and they needed to keep him. I’m certainly not against showing that autistic people can have full and productive lives, but there was so little chemistry there that it’s obvious what the play is.

You guys sucked me in! I didn’t think I was going to watch but started the first episode last night. Didn’t finish it yet. Spencer is the one you are speaking of (the dad) who could be on the spectrum?

I’m so curious to see who she gives the first rose though I don’t put any weight on that.

So it seems we have 25 contestants to start. That’s PLENTY. At times they have had more I believe.

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I wasn’t a fan of Charity during the previous season, but yes, of course I’m watching.

Spencer was tripping me out. I also believed he was on the spectrum, but at the very beginning when they met I thought he was blind (legally blind), but then it all started to fall into place.

I didn’t mind the guy that got the first impression rose (I call him Clark Kent until I recall his name).

There were a few I thought I liked from the start and a few that simply can go now.

I was more impressed with Chastity now than last season. She really is beautiful and I like how calm and sort of shy she is.

The guys? ho-hum.


Her face really lit up around a couple of guys. With others, she looked bored and distracted.


To be fair, I was bored and distracted by some of them. :grin:


Finished the episode. I sort of feel like Brendan (?) the guy who got the first rose was sort of a set up. Of all those great guys she spent time with - and KISSED, a lot - he is the one who most excited her? Doesn’t seem like her type.

And how convenient that he was the one bragging left and right at the bar in front of her brother, her brother tells her his concerns about him specifically - and then he is the one she DOES give the rose to? Nah, this was a set up to help nullify that idea that so often the first rose person wins!

Wait. There are deliberate set ups on any of the Bachelor Nation shows?!?



Well of course!!! Haha. And I’m pegging this one as a :star:contender!!!

I only watch The Bachelor, not Bachelorette. Women are so much more interesting than men, so it is more entertaining to watch when there are lots of women. While I like Charity, we got to know her well during the Bachelor, so there isn’t any reason for me to watch just for one person that I already know.

I also wish they would shake up the format. Too many people are booted too early in the show. There are always interesting people that leave, and I wish they hadn’t. Maybe that’s one thing about the show (the only thing?) that makes sense from a “love connection” perspective—people generally know pretty quickly if there is chemistry, so there is no reason to carry so many along. I still don’t like it, though.

Also, I think the families should meet long before the show makes it happen. Early in the season, do something practical like bringing everyone’s family to a common location for a meet and greet. When Zach met Charity’s family, it was awkward. Culture shock, like a fish out of water meeting Starbuck from the moon. That was the reason for the breakup, and something that could have been avoided if they had met earlier in the season.

That’s why we have Bachelor in Paradise. :grin:

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There are some new showrunners this season and I’ve heard some talk of already seeing some subtle changes in the first episode.


Like what in terms of changes? What talk are you hearing?

I can’t remember the specific situations but during the podcast I listen to they noted a few things that were better staged or presented than previously. No earth shattering changes. Things like less guys, better presenting of the guys in their bios and videos they released to introduce them - and some small stuff on the first episode.

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Joey is my new favorite. I like Aaron too. Charity could do alright with either!

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Joey is getting an awful lot of screen time. Producers must have their eyes on him.


Agreed. If this doesn’t work out, Bachelor in Paradise, or the main gig, may be in his future.

I was thinking he might be up for the lead.

When The Bachelor first aired, the lead was always very successful and well off. Things have changed over the years. Not sure how tennis pro living in Hawaii will be received. Then again, many contestants and leads don’t go back to their original job after being on the show.

I don’t see Joey and Charity ending up together - just can’t see it though I like them both. Joey as a lead? I don’t know…

What I do know is that Brendan is an a_s - one of the most I liked guys EVER to me. He is SO into his self!

Sorry to see Caleb the Ann Arbor medical resident go - I thought he had some potential but got little air time.

I think he’s a shoo in for Paradise. The beach is totally his vibe!