Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

This ^

I like the element of surprise - I wish they hadn’t shown that Brayden was going to be there.

I guess I just don’t see casting issues as a “spoiler” in the way that announcing who won Bachelor, Bachelorette, who left BIP together, before any of that even aired on network TV.

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Catching up on episodes now. So Charity and Dotun ran a “marathon” in 2:42? Since Charity isn’t a runner, I can’t imagine that it was even a half marathon.

“ The Bachelorette’ Exclusive Preview: Charity And Dotun Run A 10K Marathon Together In Upcoming Episode”


They’ve already announced or shown a few of the next BIP cast. It’s part of the buildup.

They are going to announce the next Bachelor tonight.

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A 10k marathon, which is twice as far as a 5K Marathon but not as far as a half Marathon. Oh, and they walked most of it.

The shocking ending everyone saw coming. :rofl:

I’m not living some of these BIP contestants, but I’ll still be watching.

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Hey, the Dancing with the Stars news was cool.

It’s interesting that Bachelor/Bachelorette has become a feeder for DWTS. I won’t watch that though!

Here are my thoughts on the finale:
I truly hope that Charity and Doton work out. They really seem SMITTEN with each other.

Did she really love Joey? Did she love the idea of a Joey? She seems SO much more fun and relaxed and Doton. Joey definitely not as polished at Doton.

I feel “meh” about Joey as the next Bachelor. I just didn’t like him that much.

I did NOT get a good vibe from Charity’s mom. I want to give her a chill pill! Even in the live audience she didn’t seem that thrilled about Doton. I don’t get how Joey was more relatable to her… She just seems uptight and while not wanting to make Charity’s decision for her (of course) she seemed to want Charity to make the choice “mom” wanted!!!

Charity’s sister was sweet.

SURPRISED that it appears that former Bachelorette Rachel is going to be on BIP for more than a guest appearance! Aaron seemed pumped to be on it as well.

They must be releasing the BIP cast list soon as we saw several people on the finale anyway.



My thoughts:

  • Brayden’s tan :thinking:
  • What were Pilot Pete’s mom and dad doing there?
  • Reading BIP spoilers, it is interesting to see the focus on their new stars.
  • This is the first time I’ve heard so much discussion about interracial relationships. I’m sure it was discussed in previous seasons, but wasn’t included.
  • I don’t see Charity’s family falling in love with Joey. I think bringing Aaron back, and several other clips were put in to create suspense. Everyone, including her family, knew she was choosing Doton.
  • As soon as she chose Joey, Aaron knew he was going home.
  • Charity’s body language around Xavier last week and Joey this week was really awkward. I understand Xavier, but I was surprised she was so uncomfortable around Joey.
  • Joey tried to act beat up by the break up, but couldn’t keep the smile off of his face. His lopsided part was fixed, he was sporting his perfect 5 o’clock shadow, and he was ready to move on.
  • I think the final two were supposed to be Xavier and Doton. Producers had their eye on Joey from the beginning. If he were eliminated at #3, it would have made it easier for him to go from supposed heartbreak to being the next Bachelor.

Interesting comment about the body language. I noticed when visiting with her family that Charity was more touchy feely with Joey (and he with her) than Doton. But to be honest, it could be that Doton purposefully didn’t have his hands all over Charity as a sign of respect for the parents. Hard to know. I think Doton was meeting them sort of as an “interview” and he was a little more business like to pass the test, but maybe Charity’s family saw that as him not being as into her as she was to him?

Curious as to others thoughts about the reactions of Charity’s mom during the family visit and at the show. Even her answer when Jesse asked her about Doton seemed not natural- she seemed to be choosing her words carefully.

I got home from my class in time to see Charity and Joey on ATFR but missed them meeting the family. Y’all make me want to go back and watch. Of course, I read the spoilers so know Dotun won, but it was nice to see them together in the end. They seem genuinely in love, which is not something I feel from most of these couples.

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Go back and watch!

I will watch the hometown episode tonight.

I think Joey was much more smooth with Charity’s family members, making sure to tell them exactly what they wanted to hear. Doton looked much more nervous with the family. This was definitely a case where the family got it wrong, but at least mom saying, “Deep down you know which one to pick,” helped. I noticed the family’s reaction in the audience, and frankly, I didn’t think Charity and Doton seemed as crazy about each other as they did earlier, so let me be the first to say, sadly, that I think the relationship won’t last.

I agree with Joey saying exactly what they wanted to hear…but for me it was like canned, expected responses without the emotion that should come at this time of “in love”.

I hope you’re wrong about the relationship BUT I will say this…I think it partially depends on what Charity is looking for - if she is looking for a life in the limelight (DWTS and whatever afterwards) I don’t think Doton is her guy - he seems a pretty typical working guy from a bit of a tough past that is happy to be “regular”.

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Oh, and the trip to Greece? Maybe that is her consolation prize for having to stay in the US until the very end.


Absolutely. She was short changed on the travel destinations.

I still had to laugh when they announced it though…I mean remember the year that Michelle and Nate got $200K to put towards a house?? (they may have had to return it since they didn’t stay together, I don’t know) A trip to Greece is NOT in that ballpark!!! Lol.

I recently heard that Fiji is a popular reality show destination because while it’s a BEAR to get there, it’s cheap to be there for filming.

I’m hoping DWTS was agreed upon beforehand. They probably have a tough time finding contestants, especially anyone who is currently popular. She doesn’t strike me as an attention seeker and it will take time away from Doton. Greece should probably be postponed due to wildfires.