Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

Ha, that’s funny. I wonder what ABC does with all those rings!

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They probably recycle them through Neil. Let’s start looking for them, “Hey, isn’t that Rebecca’s ring?”

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So Josh is alive and is claiming he was hacked. He’s seriously messed up.

Very strange development. It really does give me concerns about how some of these people get onto these reality shows to begin with. If I’m a Bachelor or Bachelorette, I would want better screening. He had so many red flags. Serious mental health issue history, substance issues, bisexual. None of this precludes him from finding love, but I don’t think a typical Bachelorette wants to start dealing with major issues from the get go.

It’s a hoax. Click the link now.

I already like some of these women (and not a few others) -


So many of them look great!

I see The Golden Bachelorette up next….

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Matt James’ mom is one of the Golden Bachelor contestants.

Here’s the full lineup. I’m actually impressed that their all age-appropriate.

That’s been rumored for months. Unfortunately, it’s a rumor I was really hoping did not come to fruition.

It will be interesting to find out who they determine to be the source of this alleged hoax related to Josh Seiter.

Also glad to see the women for Golden Bachelor seem age appropriate. I believe he said he told the producers up to ago 70, but some of the women are older so that must have not been a firm requirement for him. Should be fun!

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Looks like fun!! Quite a variety!

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Here’s a pic - still wish that this franchise would embrace all shapes and sizes! Either that or most of these ladies are wearing great shapewear! LOL.

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They do seem to be in great shape in general and fairly youthful looking . Lots of long hair. Most seem to have been married before, with children and granchildren. It may be interesting to hear some of their backstories once the show starts.


These women all look incredibly toned. I run and go to the gym three days a week and I don’t look like that. It’s not natural for women in that age range to have hourglass figures.


Aw, c’mon. With ABC hairdressers and makeup artists and stylists, I am quite sure we all could look close to these women. If we wanted. What I think will be fun is the low-key stuff back at the mansion when the youngins didn’t put on makeup and shapewear just to hang. Will these women be that loose?

Absolutely it’s the Bachelor series and they are all going to be made to look the best they can be - especially for the promo shot. Put a fancy dress, shape wear, a load of make up and a hairstylist to us all and we look pretty good! But I also would say that there aren’t a lot of muffin tops showing up here. :wink: Most of average America is a little more flabby, curvy, less toned … just would be nice to see that represented in the field a bit more - because someone with some extra pounds or less fit is certainly still a candidate for a fun, loving partner!

I’m not knocking it - just pointing it out. I’ll definitely be watching - and criticizing. :wink:

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Many may well be very toned. But there are others who have discovered the wonders of Spanx.

In the interviews, it does look like there has been a decent amount of botox and lip injections. However, we see that in the younger contestants as well (ex. Gabby, Kaitlyn).

For the photo, they are all wearing black and it is a wide shot. Several have their arms across their mid area. I wonder how many hot tubs and pool parties we’ll see.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Paradise is burning

This was a fun stroll down memory lane…I can’t imagine why there weren’t more marriages? :wink:

‘Bachelorette’ Couples: Where Are They Now? (

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