Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

Agree on that date, just weird.

Sorry to see Nate go - he is one of the few that seemed so genuine. Then again, the producers are showing us what they want us to see and hear - both positive and negative. Hometowns should be interesting - looks like a bit of drama with the Rachel/Tino visit.

The whole group date with all the personal sexual questions was very strange and uncomfortable.
I don’t get why there is no isolation, or masking if Logan had Covid?

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Regarding Logan’s diagnosis, they didn’t show it but they had to have told the guys. I mean, why cancel the cocktail party if you aren’t going to test the cast and crew? When Jesse said something came up, one of the guys’ responses was “Is Logan okay?” and Jesse confirmed that he was. I was only half watching last night. Did they show a cocktail party for Rachel?

My question was more along the lines of where did he get it? I assume the cast wasn’t allowed to leave the ship unless on a very well protected date. It must have been from a crew member (either the boat or production crew).

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I finally got to catch a show last night. Lots of thoughts …

  1. While we haven’t heard Nate’s side, I think Reality Steve has laid out a pretty compelling case for Nate being a dawg.

  2. We don’t know these guys are dying to have kids, do we? I haven’t watched in a couple of weeks so maybe I missed it.

  3. Even if we learn that they do, that’ll make good TV, right? Will a guy who wants kids risk taking Gabby knowing she doesn’t? Is this the male equivalent of wanting to change your partner? Or will true love change Gabby’s heart about kids? I’m actually really liking seeing someone admit she doesn’t know that she wants kids.

  4. I also thought it was weird that Gabby was told Logan had Covid on screen but the other guys weren’t.

  5. Hated the sex questions on the group date. Actually, the whole date was cringey.

  6. There is so much editing that I don’t trust almost anything I’m seeing. I do trust that the bachelor/bachelorette is trying to pick the right person for them so, unless they are really screwed up, I figure they get the best of the lot.


He didn’t admit. He just didn’t deny. And it was Johnny.

I’m not understanding the censorship here. A leather clad dominatrix is fine, but saying “oral” and “masturbate” need bleeping and blurring.

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New CDC guidelines say quarantining isn’t necessary if no symptoms. The problem with covid, though, is which guys are going to admit they don’t feel well at this point? Logan had to be pretty sick. He really can’t travel home, so he’s probably in isolation on the ship.

I thought they’d do a zoom cocktail party or at least one-on-ones.

Not defending Nate, but RS is not known for impartiality.

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I don’t know about impartiality, but his credibility is part of what he’s selling and the fact that he had pics of IG posts and personal texts from the multiple women holds water for me. People wouldn’t follow him if he kept getting things wrong, and he’d get sued by people who think they’ve been somehow defamed. The only one who’s ever sued him is ABC because of his accurate spoilers.


This season was filmed in March and we don’t know that he was asymptomatic. Also, TV and film production usually has more strict regulations than the CDC.

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I loved seeing the actor Patrick Warburton in the previews. He is Zach Shallcross’s uncle. I’ve always liked him , so I look forward to seeing what he says next week.

This has been a strange season, but at least the beautiful scenes from Belgium and the Netherlands have been very nice to see! I’ve been to both countries but it was decades ago

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YES! I actually hadn’t thought “Zoom” but I did think, couldn’t you have phone calls, when she said, “I really need to talk to the guys to figure out…” But duh, Zoom!

Reality Steve seems like a drama/spoiler rat to me. Yeah he has some evidence but again, one sided evidence and TO ME, depending on additional info, I’d like to hear Nate’s side of the story too before making judgement. And the timing of releasing the info - when Nate is under ABC’s armpit and unable to make any comment AND was at the height of his success on the show feels fishy.

It’s sort of a rarity that the leads or the contestants in these shows don’t have some sordid in their past. Not excusing his behavior if true, but also we only have part of the picture.

Watching Nate and Gabby was really hard for me, I cried a lot - she is really broken and I wanted to hug her and tell her that being a mother, or even a mother figure, is not a curse. For me, and my experience, my own mother was broken. Badly. My brother was fully out of the house at 14. I was 16. Both at her request. As I grew up, I looked around me, at other grown women who I thought were “pretty good” moms, and I took bits and pieces and created a picture of what a mother could look like. My aunties (my mother’s sisters) think I’ve done a great job breaking the mold. I work hard at it (not past tense).

I don’t know what some of you do about Nate, but I had a soft spot for him. He seemed like someone I’d have been very happy to welcome into my home.

Gabby’s group date was just weird. If you’re going to find out who’s comfortable with their sexuality, that’s one thing, but doing so in a group setting is just icky! Unless you’re into group sex.

Logan’s Covid - really? Where did he go or do that the others did not? Such a strange storyline.

The more I see and watch Rachel the less I like her. Someone above called her “vanilla” - that’s pretty accurate of a description for me. Her words never seem to ring true to me.

One last general note, the gowns and most of the clothing the women are wearing this season is ridiculous. It’s often over the top, but this season it’s just silly. High heeled boots and the miniest mini skirt to walk around a city? Those godawful “capes” or whatever the heck they are with marabou feathers around them they wear at the rose ceremonies…what in the heck? Meanwhile the guys are are in corduroy jackets and t-shirts, appropriate for the weather and occasion. Oy! :upside_down_face:


LOL on the clothing. Lots of discussion online/podcasts especially about Rachel’s towards the beginning of the season when she looked like she was “business casual” for a dating show! Apparently she told producers at the beginning of the season that her style she’d like to portray is “mother of the bride”? :woman_shrugging:

Gabby is a high heels girl I think and even on her social media can often be seen sporting the thigh high boot. But girl, you gotta learn to walk in them - she is going to fall over one day on those cobblestone streets!!

(also I had to laugh when on the group date she was waiting and waiting for the guys to get up the street to where she was at and she was yelling “come to Mama!!” - like they were little toddlers in a row coming to her!)

I think the capes make them look like they are in front of a big witch’s brew and I’m waiting for them to stir the pot (of bachelors?).

The sleeves of Rachel’s gown on her one-on-one date were ridiculous. She’s a tiny person and was just overwhelmed by that outfit.

I don’t think I know anything about the remaining guys. What do they do for work, what do they like to do for fun? The entire season has been about who is there for the ‘right reason’ and how many times can Rachel feel rejected (tears tears) in a show before she rejects a few guys in the rose ceremony. At least we knew Nate had a child (but nothing else about him either). In prior years, we knew that one was a dentist or a country singer or pilot. The ones we knew about this year (magician, pilot) were quickly gone.

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Nate’s gone but he’s an electrical engineer. With a masters’ degree and his P.E. license.


You can find the bios on the ABC website.

I know I can look up anything I want to know about them, but isn’t the point of the show to introduce us to the bachelors? Are we supposed to do homework about them?

I’ve read Reality Steve a few times and I can’t even remember who the girls pick for hometowns or the winners. I do remember that 2 guys are from NJ and one from Salem, MA. Can’t remember their names or what they do, but I can remember geography.

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Please DON’T reveal any Reality Steve spoilers!! :slight_smile:

The Nate things last week wasn’t a show spoiler just a Nate spoiler. :frowning:

It seems, this season has gone SOOO fast - gosh, no time to get to know the guys very well. I don’t know why the show thought it could double the leads but not extend the length of the show. We are at Hometowns like in week 6!!!