Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

I will be happy when it’s over. Just too much drama, too much crying. And I’m a fairly emotional person myself!

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Not revealing anything not shown on the aired episodes (as I said, I can’t remember even after reading online).

I thought about the time issue with this week. Instead of 4 hometowns in a 2 hour show, they will now have double that. Same when the girls bring the 2 to 3 (each) guys home to meet their families. Maybe they won’t do as much ‘repeating’ in the editing and therefore show the same amount of stuff, just not show it before the commercial and after the commercial.

One thing I haven’t seen as much of this season (and I think is a good thing) is fighting among the bachelors/bachelorettes. There was a little, but not as much tattling as there has been in past seasons. Even this season with the telling that the one guy called them ‘those bitches’ (which could be his way of talking) and comparing them to his ex? Who cares. The girls should figure that out on their own and they would if they didn’t keep cancelling the dates and parties.

I look at RS at the beginning of the season so I know who not to pay attention to because they’ll be eliminated early. No reason for me to get invested. Of course, that strategy sometimes bites me on the butt when they leather show up on BIP, and I’m left wondering, “Who was he, again?”

In the beginning of the season they show the name and the profession quite often. I think they drop that after a certain point. Sometimes the profession is part of the conversation with the lead (ex. Jordan the race car driver). Many times it isn’t. Sometimes they will play around with the profession and say things like “never been kissed” or “meatball enthusiast” or “twin”.

I watch a decent amount of reality TV (Survivor, Amazing Race, Bachelor/ette/BIP, etc) and the hometowns and professions are part of the early introduction but, most of the time, their personality or game play has nothing to do with their profession. I often have to go back to the website to remind myself of a certain person’s backstory.

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Wow. All I can say right now is can we have a do-over on the entire season?

What a freakin mess!

Also I totally forgot about Aven!

I don’t know neither Jason or Johnny seems ready. Johnny is TOO young! And Eric is SOOO blah. (Thst comment has nothing to do with his family tonight - he has been blah all along to me. God bless his parents. :heart:)

Poor Tyler. Who else was telling at the tv - “TYLER PLEASE SHUT UP!!” :raising_hand_woman:t2:

Tino, also tough family situation and to me he is also blah. Flat personality.

Zach would seem to have it in the bag but I don’t know…

Can we have a re-do!!!

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With Tyler , I was more hoping Rachel would stop him from going on and on. It was painful to watch, knowing she knew she was going to cut him loose.

Erich’s okay to me and his dad seems to have died since filming, given the closing credits.

Tino’s family - I would have run the other way but I understand his parents’ skepticism. The whole premise of these shows though really is pretty crazy so anything is possible in how it all plays out!


I did not see closing credits - I’m sorry to hear that Erich’s Dad died. :frowning:

They always have the girls run to the guys, jump into their arms and wrap their legs around the guy. Gabby obviously struggled with this. I wonder how many takes they had to do with each guy.

Zach’s uncle was Puddy from Seinfeld. I couldn’t place the face so had to google the name.

I Googled, too.

I actually mentioned Patrick Warburton in a post here after seeing the previews last week. I liked him as Puddy and liked the sitcom he starred in after Seinfeld too.

Can’t think of the name but do remember one episode where he wouldn’t get rid of his old t-shirts from concerts and college even though he hadn’t worn them in years. Of course he had to prove he would wear them, so he starts wearing his favorite that is about 10 sizes too small so skin tight and about 6 inches of his belly showing. The solution was his wife had a t-shirt quilt made and he happily snuggled up in his new blankie.

When you think about it we know SO little about any of these guys. And honestly, I think the girls think the same! Their answers to the guys parents about what attracts them to their son? “He’s so kind - he even gives blood!” What?! That’s your best compliment material in a relationship?!!

Let’s take bets on where the season ends. If you’re spoilered, don’t indicate that in your comments. Or don’t post your comments!!

Gabby: if she picks anyone, Erich. And I think he accepts.

Rachel: ugh, she just needs a Kleenex connection… after that horrible experience with Tino’s family and then Tino basically not supporting her and just saying “no, they love you!” - with no basis for that (I think he is VERY self centered)…I’m going to say she picks Zach - I don’t know if he’s too vanilla but she is VERY vanilla and he would probably treat her like a queen.

How weird that they left only one hometown off this weeks schedule, Aven - I’m hoping maybe because he will be the next Bachelor. :slight_smile:

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i wish this season had a premise of “who will I date?” rather than “who should i marry?” - because i just cant see any love forming in any of the storylines. so little time with each other, too much betrayal, rejection, and hurt. I remember years back one guy didnt propose, but rather said “I’d like to date you” and the franchise didnt like that… . but he was being honest. why not, though?!

**and answering my own question after a few sips of coffee and thinking: i think the audience likes it when the stakes are higher with a marriage proposal, rather than who-should-i-date. More intrigue.

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It will be shown next week.

RIght I know that - but odd that they sort of shoved one hometown to the second week. Might they have moved two to the second week so it didn’t feel like leftovers?? No one is even talking about Aven because he wasn’t even on the screen this week.

Podcasters have been saying that @bgbg4us about the show for awhile. Get rid of the engagement expectation. But I guess a show that ends in dating is not as compeling as a show that ends on a windy seaside with an engagement ring!!!


@twoinanddone That episode was “Jeff’s Wooby” from his sitcom Rules of Engagement. 2007.

In theory, they should have moved two families to the second week but Rachel cancelled one of the visits.

Trying not to spoil too much but apparently the order that they show the dates is not the order they actually occurred.

Regarding Patrick Warburton, I knew I recognized his voice! He is the narrator of the safety video for Soaring over California at Disney’s California Adventure.

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Personally I’d still watch, maybe even enjoy, if the show changed the focus from marriage to exclusive dating to see where it leads. It feels so much more realistic - let’s get off the show, into real life and see how we do as people, not TV personalities, in our own environment(s).


I was surprised at how young the bachelors were this season. The twins who were dumped the first night were only 24 (Rachel is 26 and Gabby 31). No wonder the girls didn’t find anything interesting about them.


There was one train wreck season (maybe Colton, maybe Peter) where, after that, they tried to move to an older cast (Clare Crawley/Tayshia Adams). For quite a while they were advertising or recruiting senior citizens for a season but that hasn’t happened yet.