<p>Any immature college students planning on going trick or treating on halloween besides the typical drunk fest?</p>
<p>Anyone planning any pranks or antics - beyond the TP/Egging stage of high school?</p>
<p>One year in high school my friends and I robbed each other - some of us dressed up as old school bank robbers and after our regular dressed friends got candy, we robbed and defiled them in front of innocent minds and helpless parents. Thinking about doing this again.</p>
<p>Haha. That's really funny. The problem is that if you did that at my school, the cops would be there in 3 seconds flat. I was going to go trick or treating... but, it's hard to get to the nice neighborhoods. =/</p>
<p>After the costume parties, if they're not completely lame, me and my friend are going to knock loudly on every dorm door we can and ask for candy. We're not expecting any he's just random like that and I'm willing to try anything.</p>
<p>I took my younger siblings trick or treating… don’t know if that counts
but i didn’t have my own bag or anything like that, I had them collect the candy so i could eat it later</p>