<p>2100 SAT
30 ACT Composite
3.5 GPA unweighted
with 3 AP'S
class does not rank
Play Track & Field
Im from the US
do you think i would get admitted?</p>
<p>just an addition
the 3.5 GPA is at a very competitive private school and I would not attempt to get any sort of financial aid</p>
<p>easy admit. Your scores are far above what they would require of a foreign student.</p>
<p>do you have any idea when they notify students if they get in?
im just curious if its similar to American schools
i was also not able to find this information any where
if it helps im trying to apply for pre-med</p>
<p>did you not have to apply already for pre-med?
in england they had to apply by oct 15th and they find out within weeks of conditional offers…so is Trinity not the same?
yay im also applying but for pre-law/business and if i get in there, i couldnt possibly be any happier =D, i love dublin so much</p>
<p>haha im talking about for next year lol
but i was curious about the premed program there as most of you europeans just go to cc then med school</p>
<p>It depends on how your SAT breaks down. They require a 1400 math+reading.</p>
<p>yea i had all 700’s so 1400 on math and CR</p>