<p>Hey, fellow CCers. :] </p>
<p>So I've noticed a bunch of people talking about receiving emails about other Duke scholarships, so I was wondering if anyone has heard anything about this year's Trinity Scholarships?</p>
<p>Trinity</a> Scholarships :: OUSF: Office of Undergraduate Scholars and Fellows
It says on this website that winners will be notified mid-March, but now that it's the 18th, I'm starting to get pretty nervous. Has anybody heard anything?</p>
<p>I heard today - Susan and George Beischer and Frances Hill Fox Trinity Scholarship. I am so incredibly stoked right now, I thought that these would have already been out as well. I only got mine this afternoon.</p>
<p>Congrats Spruillda! That’s awesome!</p>
<p>Interesting that these are still going out (or were, as of today). Can’t hurt to keep praying, I guess.</p>
<p>If you don’t mind me asking, how were you notified? Phone/e-mail/letter/etc.?</p>
<p>Also, is it just one winner per scholarship? So only four Trinity Scholarship winners total?</p>
<p>Congrats once again!</p>
<p>Thanks! I actually got notified by a packet in a Fedex envelope, I originally thought it was just Blue Devil Days stuff and let it sit on the table all day before I opened it. There is one scholar for each of the scholarships, so four in total, but I’ve only heard from or about one other so far - so maybe.</p>
<p>Congrats Spruillda!
I was just wondering, did you get any notification prior to receiving the scholarship that you were a finalist for it?</p>
<p>That’s awesome, Spruillda! Congrats!</p>
<p>Which other one have you heard about?</p>
<p>These scholarships weren’t applied for, so there really wan’t any finalist/semifinalist competition. The letter just came out of the blue, totally unexpected. As for the other one I’ve heard about, I know a girl from the North Carolina School of Science and Math got the Clem and Hayes Clement Trinity Scholarship. There are still two others I don’t know about yet - both going to future Trinity School Students.</p>
<p>I just got back from a trip this weekend and found a fedex envelope on my doorstep. I received the Bernard Trinity Scholarship! Congrats Spruillda!</p>
<p>Hearty Congrats to each of you! Hope your Blue Devil Day confirms your choice.</p>