<p>I got an email late at night (circa 2:00 AM) a couple days ago, telling me that I was being offered a place in the TTP - Paris program where you spend Freshman year in Paris and have a guaranteed spot (with a certain unit/GPA requirements) at USC your sophomore year. I've already filled out everything I needed to, and I've e-mailed the Director of Admissions with some questions but I haven't heard a thing from them after the automated "We've received your form" emails. I was wondering if anyone could give me any info on this, or if anyone else has received this e-mail. </p>
<p>It sounds just like the Spring Admits Fall program except it is a year long. Why don’t you message me with your questions and I will answer what I can. I did a bit of research on the Fall program including calling AUP admissions in Paris for details.</p>
<p>FMAyodele, are you saying that you were declined admission, but your letter offered you the Trojan Transfer Plan, and now USC is offering you a guaranteed place after successfully completing a year at AUP? If so, that’s a great option, and it almost seems like you weren’t really declined at all, but instead have a chance to do study abroad early. Congratulations!</p>
<p>Hi, I also got this email. I’ve also sent in the necessary documents and I’m waiting to see if I can go, depending on the costs. I’ve just emailed the Director of Admission with questions regarding roommates, transportation and safety in Paris. </p>
<p>@CCMThreeTimes that’s exactly what I’m saying and I’m so excited!! It was terrible for a few days. I was in such a funk from being denied and then I got this e-mail and it was the best thing ever! and @USCdream44 that’s what I’m waiting for, too!</p>
<p>I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they room me with another USC Transfer student who’s just as determined to go to USC as I am! Hopefully, a Creative Writing major like me.
But, I’d settle just for someone as motivated as me. I don’t know French so I’m a little frightened. But, this is the best choice I have. It’s either Chapman or USC’s Freshman Year in Paris! Good luck @FMAyodele </p>
<p>@USCdream44 It’s Chapman (screenwriting, not creative writing ) or AUP for me as well! I’m already committed to Chapman, as I do not think that I’ll be guaranteed admission into SCA even through Trojan Transfer. I’m not about to pay for 5 years of private school–as much as I do love and worship USC. </p>
<p>@ncmeyer1425 Both Chapman and USC are about $50 grand without scholarships or financial aid so I’m not sure if I should commit until I’ve got all the details on AUP and the transfer program. </p>
<p>From the info on their site, AUP costs just under $60,000 per year (and that’s including everything) so, here’s to grants, loans, and miracles!</p>
<p>I saw this on my son’s Spring Admits Facebook page. Kirk Brennan is the USC Admissions person managing the AUP Program:</p>
<p>To Kirk Brennan: a lot of my peers at school who got rejected from USC got this option as well in terms of the Trojan transfer plan. Did everyone who was flat out rejected get this option? I’m just asking on behalf of them. If the case, it is in fact automatic enrollment with a 3.3 plus no questions asked? Thank you </p>
<p>From Kirk Brennan Not everybody, and not quite automatic. Why don’t you drop me a note at <a href=“mailto:admdir@usc.edu”>admdir@usc.edu</a> and I’ll take it offline.</p>
<p>Does anyone have any idea when the approvals come out?</p>
<p>@FMAyodele They said they’d be reviewing applications in a week (which is now). They also said they assume most (if not all) of us will be eligible for admission to AUP. I hope they send it out soon. I really want to commit and enjoy the benefits of university swag~ But then again, they’ll have to send it out asap since we have to commit by May 1st. </p>
<p>Thanks! Also, how many people do you think they sent it out to?</p>
<p>I just received an email telling me they sent my things to AUP!</p>
<p>I received the email almost two weeks ago, but it took me until today to convince my parents to allow me to go through with this option. I just sent in my information and I am anxiously awaiting their response. I hope there’s still space in the program! Also how does one become qualified for this option? Is it rare?</p>
<p>@kyoflow16 I’m not entirely sure, but once i found out i googled everything imaginable trying to find a discussion or forum about it and I couldn’t find a thing, so I’m assuming it’s not really that common. The website that they give you in the email they sent says we’ve been “selected” (ooohhh, mysterious) and “invited” and all other kind of language that implies that this isn’t something that happens to everyone. Even if it doesn’t work out, I think we have a reason to be proud!
I don’t know how much space there is but for the Spring admits program (info courtesy of @GamerGal27) there are about 30 spots, but they might raise it due to the unexpected response. I don’t know how many spots there are for the Sophomore admit program, though.</p>
<p>Has anyone heard anything yet? Mr. Walp hasn’t replied to my e-mails and with exactly a week left to put down a deposit the radio silence is making me nervous.</p>
<p>@FMAyodele I’ve also sent emails to Mr. Walp and Kirk without responses back (bummer) but I have received an email confirming my acceptance into the program (yay!) and I’ll be receiving my official packet in the mail soon. They’ve extended the deadline to commit to AUP’s USC Transfer program to May 15th instead of May 1st. Therefore, I’ll have to commit to Chapman in the meantime. :-/ </p>
<p>@USCdream44 Me too!! I’m committing to CSULB in the meantime. But - correct me if i’m wrong - we should be able to see our financial aid package in two days when we receive our NetIDs, right? That’s what I’m hoping…</p>
<p>@FMAyodele I haven’t heard about that. Have you? If we do get to see our financial aid packet immediately it’ll make the decision so much easier! </p>