Trouble finding roommate!!

<p>I'm going to move out from my apartment next semester and will not be staying here at Madison over the summer. Therefore, I have already started looking for a subletter to take my spot. The thing is, it's almost been a month and I still can't find anyone, and it feels like everyone seems to find their own places already. </p>

<p>I'm so worried. The semester is about to end, and spring semester is just right around the corner. If I still can't find anyone, then I have to pay it myself, which I seriously don't want to. </p>

<p>Guys, what should I do? I know this is a very stupid question, but I need some insight. If you have some experience dealing with this, please let me know because I desperately need some help on this. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>One of the problems with signing a lease is that you are legally obligated to pay the rent until the lease expires. I presume you have notified your management company and followed any rules they may have for subletting. If you are not sharing your apartment with others let your management know they can outright lease your apartment to another person. Also consider that you might have better luck subleasing only for the duration of the semester and either need to pay for the summer or find another subletter for those months. Potential transfers who need housing may not have finalized their plans yet. It could be January before you get an interested person.</p>

<p>To all- this is a reason to be careful when choosing housing. The public dorms, aka Res Halls, has provisions for those who leave the school after a semester while private dorms and apartments may hold you to the terms of the lease.</p>