I missed Housing Contract deadline!!

<p>Good evening!</p>

<p>I did not see that the Housing Contract was due yesterday...I totally forgot about it.
What I did is that I just contacted the Late Housing Program section, but I am worried that I will not get to live close to UW-Madison campuses. Will it really prevent me from staying near UW-Madison, like Lakeside or East?</p>

<p>Send an email to the housing office asap. They are really great at working with you. My daughter missed her original housing deadline this year because she was still deciding which college to attend. Once she decided Madison was her first choice, she emailed them and they took care of it for her and she has been able to rank her choices in time. They have been a great resource for her and the interactions she has had with them have made her appreciate UW Madison even more. She was really concerned that attending Madison would be impersonal compared to the smaller LAC’s she was considering, but she has been impressed with how personal and responsive all of the departments she has contacted have been. As a parent, it has been a relief to me to see how they really make an effort to support their students as they transition into college from high school and into independent adults. </p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-R930 using CC</p>

<p>If not, there is plenty of “off campus” housing that is sometimes closer than the dorms! Our campus is different than most, as I’m sure you’ve seen, so there is TONS of off campus housing! Even if you’re not totally ready to live in an apartment on your own, there are places like Regent and Lucky Apartments that offer RAs.</p>

<p>Thanks for the answer but I did manage to submit my residence ranking in time due to the extended deadline (May 1).</p>