Trustee/Presidential Scholarship Notification

<p>I got some insider information today. I was talking to someone who worked at the business school after our Easter service and he told me that they turned in their final decisions to the admissions office on Friday. He doesn't know when they will be sent, but this is at least encouraging to know!</p>

<p>"there are probably different percentages for each school (cas, viterbi)"</p>

<p>for viterbi, higher or lower than 50%?? and do u think usc found out about nat'l merit scholars before they turned in their final decisions, cuz i just found out yesterday. btw, how many of u r nat'l merit scholars now??</p>

<p>I am a National Merit Scholar, but I received a corporate scholarship instead of the regular NMSC one-time grant, just because of my mom's job or whatever. They considered me for that first? I guess that means I'm a scholar?? haha.</p>

<p>hey haley8733, that's cool! yeah i had no chance for the corporate ones cuz my dad doesn't for any of the companies listed. so r u so freakin nervous about hearing about the scholarships this week?? do u really think ppl will start hearing tomorrow?? well good luck!</p>

<p>First time I am angry at easter monday being a holiday... guess, we may hear tommorrow.</p>

<p>easter monday is not a federal holiday...
mail still comes today!</p>

<p>my mail already came today notification, so keep on waiting!!!</p>

<p>i got a trojan marching band invitation, but no scholarship info</p>

<p>probably wednesday at the earliest for me then</p>

<p>my mail already came today notification, so keep on waiting!!!</p>

<p>okay, i pose a question: </p>

<p>if we DON'T receive the scholarship, do they send us a letter telling us we didn't get it? or do they let us wait and hope that our scholarship award got lost in the mail (just kidding)</p>

<p>but do they def. notify you either way? or not at all if you don't actually get the scholarship?</p>

<p>they send us a letter either way, but since u interviewed for trustee, u'll get presidential if u don't get the trustee!</p>

<p>But then what of the other 300 kids who interviewed for presidential? Maybe some trustee interviewees get the presidential and some get the dean's? </p>

<p>Are national merit scholars awarded presidential scholarships, or are those scholarships different?</p>

<p>I think they're different and you can't get both.</p>

<p>they're mutually exclusive :(</p>

<p>my mail already came today notification, so keep on waiting!!!</p>

<p>so slow...</p>

<p>"they're (trustee and presidential) mutually exclusive"</p>

<p>this is not true. First of all, the same panel interviews both trustee and presidential. Secondly, a friend of mine last year was a presidential nominee. Her interview went so well that she was awarded a trustee scholarship. obviously these are not mutually exclusive. I would think that the trustee nominees who don't get it would be bumped down to a presidential or possibly a deans scholarship, depending on how well they were received.</p>

<p>should hear soon! good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Being mutually exclusive means that you can only get one of them, which is definitely true.</p>

<p>oh, i read it as trustee and presidential's interview processes are exclusive of each other, like if you're considered for one, you can't be considered for the other... you're absolutely right... i guess its just the combo of no sleep and nervousness in waiting for the mail to come is doin funky stuff to my brain... i need to read more carefully...</p>

<p>good luck to everyone!</p>