<p>dance887, where do you live? and also, maybe "the higher one counts" means that if you could get like a SCion/National Merit Scholarship from SC and you also get the Deans/Presidential/Trustee, then you will receive the higher amount award?? maybe...</p>
<p>I got my notification in the mail today, I got the Presidential scholarship! It's half-tuition. It feels good to be wanted by a school after being ROLLED by the Ivy's and privates on the East Coast. Do you think with the Presidential the price of USC will equal UCLA?</p>
<p>most likely, btw dance887 where do u live, i just want to know because u are the second person to have received the scholarship letter and the first is from southern cal</p>
<p>Kansas but they say you can get multiple scholarship and then you get to keep the highest</p>
<p>I think i am going to end up at Northwestern 7 year direct med program if i can convince myself and my parents to pay 45K/Yr</p>
<p>ladodgers22 and cheerupdarlin, u guys got presidential-did u interview for it specifically, or were u bumped down from trustee??</p>
<p>anyway, for those of us waiting (again), maybe it's a good thing cuz no trustees have been given out so far...</p>
<p>btw, ladodgers22, i think usc presidential is close to ucla, depending on if u dorm...</p>
<p>I interviewed for presidential and got presidential...</p>
<p>I wanna know how much it will cost with the presidential.</p>
<p>Dance, getting into that NU 7 year program is insane! How did you do it? What are your stats?</p>
<p>syawn: I interviewed for presidential.</p>
<p>My stats are 1530/800/800/790/760
IB program 1/460
Tennis Varsity all 4 years
Volunteer HIV Clinic
President Math Club/Science Club/Indian Dance Club
Just some crap
Very good interview with them had to interview 4 people
because BS is going to be in Biomedical Engineering</p>
<p>LADodgers...I went to the financial aid session when I interviewed, and they estimated the total cost of USC to be around 44K...so, with the Presidential (about 15K) the leftovers would be about 29K.</p>
<p>Uh-oh, that's still alot more than a UC...</p>
<p>Great... isn't UCLA/Berkeley about 20k a year total?</p>
<p>"Very good interview with them had to interview 4 people
because BS is going to be in Biomedical Engineering"</p>
<p>what's BS??</p>
<p>the college degree, bachelor of science</p>
<p>o duh :P</p>
<p>i still can't believe they gave u deans w/ your stats
i interviewed for trustees too w/ viterbi</p>
<p>What did you end up getting? Presidential or Trustee?</p>
<p>ladodgers22, i haven't gotten my letter yet</p>
<p>hey guys, my friend who interviewed for presidential got it already, so i guess it just us trustees who r waiting...omg so nervous</p>
<p>oy that's not good news. I interviewed for Presidential but haven't gotten any notification yet.. (and I live in Norcal)</p>
<p>I'm guessing rejection letters come later. ;_;</p>
<p>hey raindrops22, i think some of the letters may come tomorrow, so don't give up hope yet...and u don't get outright "rejected"-i think u might get deans if not presidential</p>