Tufts Class of 2027 Official Thread


I don’t think it means anything tbh


My daughter’s withdraw button is gone. Does this even mean anything?

I don’t know. My sons is gone too. Last year’s thread wasn’t clear if it was good or not. Fingers crossed!

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mine is gone as well, self report test scores button is still there. I checked late last night and the withdrawal button was there, so my guess is that they programmed their portals to take it off at night, but no one really knows, hoping for the best tonight!

Mine’s gone too. Is there anyone whose isn’t?

my withdraw button is gone too and I still have the report score button

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Do you have “Final Academic Report & Transcript (due June 27, 2023)” ? I do not remember seeing this last time (about a week ago).

always been there

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So I’m guessing it’s not a sign of differentiation at this point. Good luck to everyone!


Does everyone still have the add test scores button?

I still see the test score button

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Sorry, It means nothing looking into ED 2023 messages, It was a bug last year but this year it’s not an indicator


Can anyone see their SAT/ACT scores? I can see “SAT” and the date of the test but I can’t see the actual score.

I submitted ACT, but it’s always been like that for me.

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good luck to everyone! we’ll all go where we’re meant to be, so don’t worry. <3


applied as bio major, in-state
3.8 UW
4.4 W
strong ECs, LORs and essays

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Are the decisions out?

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Yes. 7pm

intl student asking for aid
4.0 unweighted (no weighted gpa at my school)
graduated top of my class (around 4/300)
strong Ecs and leadership positions
i guess my recommendation were really good cause my professor liked me and helped me a lot throughout the process.

overall just crushed by this cycle of admissions, it seems like it’s never enough