Tufts VS William and Mary

<p>I am having a lot of trouble deciding between tufts and william and mary. i would like to apply to one early decision but i can't decide. i feel like i have less of a chance at tufts although both are equally hard to get into but that i also like tufts slightlly better. can someone help me compare the social life, campuses, classes, toughness of getting in, diversity, etc at these schools. also, money is sort of an issue someone help! i am so confused and any info would be appreciated</p>

<p>reading that, sounds like you should apply ED to Tufts! Prolly easier to get into than W&M OOS</p>

<p>if you like Tufts more, apply there!</p>

<p>Boston and Williamsburg are completely different places.</p>

<p>I know nothing about the Tufts campus. Have you not visited one or both of these schools? I wouldn't really recommend applying ED (or making a final choice in the spring) without visiting your school of choice. A visit can scream "no this school isn't for me" or "i would feel great here".</p>

<p>Diversity... that info is available online. I can say that W&M is working to diversify more.</p>

<p>As a state school, W&M is probably cheaper (even for out of state). But I don't know the OoS price or the price at Tufts without looking them up, but that is what I would think.</p>

<p>I would go with your gut, but if you haven't visited... your gut doesn't have as much to go on.</p>


ED is a strong ethical commitment to attend regardless of cost. Are you sure ED is right for you? Maybe you should apply RD to a range of schools and compare costs after FA in April. Have you estimated FA?</p>

<p>One thing about Tufts - the Tufts syndrome. Tufts is probably the most used so-called "safety" school for Harvard and other Ivies. So Tufts has to try to sort out who are their serious applicants, and will reject applicants they don't believe are likely to enroll. By applying ED, you are indicating to them you are serious and I think you would be more likely to be accepted.</p>

<p>Tufts syndrome doesn't exist at Tufts. The simple truth is that if people didn't put much work into their application or thought that they deserved to be accepted at tufts and were not, they'd be quite surprised and angry should they find a rejection in the mail. It's an arrogant fall-back excuse of people believing tufts to be "lower" in caliber than other peer institutions. No one is guaranteed nor deserving of an acceptance at any elite university - it is earned.</p>

<p>Always ED at the university you like best, regardless of chances.</p>

<p>With that said, they are both fantastic places, so you can't go wrong with either one!</p>

<p>thanks everyone and a couple of things:
W and M is definitely cheaper by like $10,000
However, my SAT are 640 M, 670 R, 720 W so theyre on the low side. my GPA is 3.5 UW which also isnt spectacular. i know Tufts has SAT range much higher than mine at like 1290-1470 and W and M with 1250-1440. plus, i am an asian female from Maryland. With these stats which school do u think i have a better chance at ED? I am pretty sure I like them both equally now and yes i have vistited the campuses. the only thing i would miss at W + M is Boston or having a city life. on the other hand, Wand M is less expensive and only about 2 hrs from home (a plus for me).<br>
SOmeone please help me decide!</p>

<p>is is really harder to get into William and Mary out of state than Tufts in state??</p>

<p>Tufts is not a state school, so it is just as hard to get into in-state as it is out-of-state.</p>

<p>William and Mary is very difficult out-of-state, so i'd be willing to bet that William and Mary out-of-state is just as hard as Tufts.</p>

<p>state schools that are struggling with funds, especially getting tax payer and public funds, like WM, love out of state students. they pay full tuition.</p>

<p>William and Mary loves out of state students with stats much, much higher than Jenee. I think William and Mary may not be a match for her.</p>

<p>I have to agree. You must have something that really sets you apart because your scores are below the norm for out of state students. That's the misleading part about the published SAT ranges. It does not separate instate and out of state. Our daughter was waitlisted at both W&M (OOS) and Tufts with a 1430 and 3 SAT II scores above 700. She eventually got off the waitlist at W&M is now a freshmen there.</p>

<p>Another thought: I'm not sure the OP has thoroughly researched these schools as evidence that she thought that Tufts was a state school in MA.</p>

<p>I don't think she believes that Tufts is a state school. She's referring to the percentage of the Tufts students that are in-state residents (25% MA).</p>

<p>Maybe so, but my concern is that she does not have an appreciation for the impact of state residency for W & M. Applying to Tufts as a Mass. resident could almost be seen as a detriment.</p>

<p>from what i understand,it is extremely difficult to gain admission to w&m for an out of state applicant,especially if you are female.</p>

<p>thanks for the respnses
i didn't mean to say tufts in-state, and i have no idea why i typed that. i am very aware that it is a private institution so where you live has nothing to do with it. anyways, do you think being an asian female will help me at either school? or am i way out of my league?</p>

<p>bluejay- I am completely aware of how difficult it is to get into W + M out of state, trust me. I am really worried but both WM and Tufts are my dream schools so i thought i would just give one of them a shot at ED.<br>
i have some safeties and targets but can anyone recommend any more that are fitting with my stats?</p>

<p>I think it's important to point out that William and Mary is almost split 50/50 on their male to female ratios. I thinks it's beginning to be a myth that females have a harder time than males. True there are more female applicants than male applicants. But that is straight across all college boards. Somewhere near 65% of all college graduates are females. I do think that William and Mary is very competitive for out of state students. I live in Monroe, (the honors dorm). It is insane hearing about these very high SAT scores for out of state students. Lot's of my friends are in-state and I haven't met anyone yet who had a high school GPA below 4.0. Everyone studies hard, goes to class, cares very much about doing well. With nearly 11,000 applicants last year, they have a lot of great applicants to choose from...........both male and female.</p>

You have very solid SAT scores..but not in the range acceptable for Wm and Mary, even for most instate applicants. They have stats very similar to those for students admitted to Duke and Rice verbally. However, if you have a special contribution to offer a campus or a great life story or talent, you should go ahead and apply! Everyone should give a couple Reach applications their best efforts. If you are interested in Virgnia publics as an OOS student, you have a shot at James Madison University. Mary Washington is always written up as a Hidden Jewel and feels like a private college..handsome campus and on the edge of the DC burbs in a quaint town. You have a chance at Virginia Tech, but your stats are more similar to instate admits. Many fabulous liberal arts colleges have stats similar to yours and deliver great grad school preparation...don't overlook them as your EFC may mean private and public will cost about the same. See my alma mater Furman (average 1300 SATs with many waitlisted with 1300s...but they are eager to diversify geographically and culturally), Rhodes, Dickinson, take a look at Bucknell, take a look at Goucher. University of Richmond is a Reach for you but a great school, too. Villanova. Good luck, and if you truly love Wm and Mary..give serious work to an application..you never know. You are college material and will get in a fine school..just find three actual matches...</p>

<p>I totally agree with the suggestions from Faline2, especially Mary Washington. I hate to admit it but I thought the campus was almost as appealing as UVA. (I'm easily swayed by red brick and white columns!) The size seems to be what you are interested in, not too far from home (easy commuter train ride to DC) and your stats make it more of a match for you. AND it's even less money than W&M. </p>

<p>I didn't mean to come across too harsh but I just know the disappointment at our house last spring and our daughter had 100 points higher on her SAT and was in the top 5% of her class of 500+. With our next daughter we are starting from the bottom up.</p>

<p>I also agree that you should put an all out effort in one application for ED especially if there is something unique you can bring to the table. You will always regret it if you didn't try but then concentrate on finding the matches that you can see yourself at.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>