Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

My son was awarded TE to Dayton and Xavier. He visited both schools back in July. My feedback to everyone is to hang in there. Each student can only use one of these awards. My older son didnt lock his down his final award until the afternoon of 5/1 when he came off a wait list.


I do appreciate a school that is specific! If they were all this specific, we may not need to apply to so many.

OTOH, I hope they would not rule out those in financial need for whom visiting would present a hardship.

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Hello, I am new to this thread. My daughter is TE eligible. She applied to 10 TE schools but she’s applying for an audition based major. So of those 10 schools, so far she has been both academically and artistically admitted to Millikin University and Rider University and admitted academically but placed on an artistic waitlist at Marymount Manhattan.

Her academic stats are way higher than the school stats (4.0 unweighted/4.8 weighted/30 ACT). She has gotten academic merit at all 3. There are also several schools still outstanding. The three she cares the most about are Syracuse, Shenandoah, and Roosevelt but artistic and academic decisions won’t be released for another few weeks.

We haven’t heard a thing about TE. Is there something we should be doing? She was approved by her dad’s home institution for TE and he submitted the paperwork. But should we reach out to the schools? If so, who?


Nope. Just anxiously waiting like the rest of us!

My son applied as VP major. Was given set rate at Gustavus. Denied at UD and Xav. We knew his luck getting TE or FACHEX was low due to gpa 3.4.

He applied to Jacksonville U and got a 45k Fine Arts Merit which basically equals TE so that is an option. He got a 32k scholarship at LoyNo but still waiting on FACHEX/TE. His best offer so far is a non TE school, UL-Lafaytt which gave him about 28k merit (putting it as lowest total COA ).

Fingers crossed for you at Syracuse and Shenandoah!



My daughter is applying for musical theatre. Brutal process! She’s excited about her offers and I think Rider TE is full tuition.

Congrats on your child’s VP admissions!! Applying for an audition based major is tough road!

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We went through TE process last year with D22. TE list was due to home institution by Oct. 1, and by the end of October my spouse had received an auto email from to his work email confirming that D22’s applications had been submitted to the TE schools on her behalf, and it listed all of the schools. If you received that initial email, nothing to do but wait. If you didn’t, I’d check with your home institution’s TE coordinator to make sure they submitted proper info to TE.


At our school, the export school no longer submits anything on behalf of the student. We did that ourselves.

I mention this because this may be a new process and may apply to others as well.

I’m posting this mostly for next-year parents in the hopes this helps someone.

Good luck, everyone!

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I know she is doing MT. My son just got an email from Syracuse for VP that says “Thanks for applying. Your talent caught our attention and you will receive at least 10k in fine arts merit.”

I dont know if this is a general email sent out to all applicants to keep them guessing or it if might mean he was artistically accepted while awaiting academic acceptance?


What is VP?

Deleted. Question wasn’t for me. Sorry.

@Kombucha22 You likely answered correctly. :slight_smile:

VP is Vocal Performance under the Music Majors umbrella so to speak. My son chose to apply majoring in voice and then has interest in possible branching out into other music interests (business, recording arts, tech, or maybe even education eventually). He may end up double majoring as well. Im expecting a 5 year path or so for him because he has so many interests. Thus trying to get the initial 4 year cost down was so important. He has a big interest in studying abroad or performing abroad. Many of the schools he has been looking at have opportunities to do so.

Hes my 3.4 gpa 35 ACT kid so academic acceptances along with music acceptances are not guaranteed at all.

I would assume that means he was admitted! I cannot imagine that means it is a general email. Congrats!!! The Theatre department doesn’t release acceptances until mid-March. Our fingers are crossed.

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He felt the zoom audition and interview with music staff went really well. Positive messages on getacceptd.

But not sure about academic acceptance with low gpa.

Welcome to the thread! Did your daughter apply to Elon, too?

Getting a TE approval is somewhat less exciting when kid hasnt been offered acceptance yet. (Stetson-which is only set rate and would still end up around 30k COA)

I have a friend whose daughter was approved for TE 2 years ago but academically declined.

I didn’t know that one COULD be approved for TE and not accepted?? Apparently I had too much faith that the two parts of the university were talking to each other :rofl:

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I read in an old post that back when Syracuse gave everyone TE, they would send an email right after you applied saying you were approved for the benefit.

Yes but she didn’t pass the prescreen so she didn’t do a final audition. MT is crazy competitive!

Marquette announced TE 2/27 with a phone call to my husband (the TE qualifying prof)–so thankfully ahead of the stated 4/15 announcement. We are visiting on Monday and fingers crossed dd likes it (or hates it, I guess…)



That’s fancy. A phone call!

Hope you all enjoy the trip. :smile:

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