Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

More heads-up to everyone: Saint Louis University announced TE awards today (3/1).


Just a heads up that my D did not get T/E from Pitt. She had very good stats. Another student from her high school with much lower stats got it last year, but was a diverse student so I that also plays a part in the schools’ decision.


Mine got it, and it says they don’t use test scores. I have no idea how they choose as my kiddo has one all consuming EC and no leadership positions. Her ACT and GPA must have been considered.


My son got the Tuition Exchange for RIT! Happy day!


Congrats! So did mine, and it’s happy news all around the house that a TE offer finally has arrived.


Bravo,that is fantastic news. Congrats!

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FYI, email that TE portal was updated for Gonzaga. (My son only “half applied”, denied.)

Congrats! Curious where your daughter chose? My current senior is looking at similar schools. Exciting times! I also have a junior and curious what your thoughts are on Seton Hall.

BC just released their FACHEX tuition grants, although they have not released their regular decision admission decisions yet. My son got an email letting him know that he was not being granted one, although he is still being considered for admission. He had more hope than I did of him receiving one :pensive: They do not keep a waitlist (for future folks).

My son received a set rate TE award yesterday for $41K from TCU. The TE award will replace his merit award. Not as generous as his other options but nice to get the award.


No decision yet. There are still a couple of schools that she needs to hear from. She is thinking business or finance and I was impressed with the program at Seton Hall. The area is not as nice as some schools she visited but the distance to NY is beneficial for finance. It is a little bit further away so she couldn’t come home as much.

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TE Waitlist from Baldwin Wallace turned into an Approved today! He got acceptance to their highly competitive music school this week as well. Good to have options!


Junior interested in business and or economics. What are the schools in tuition exchange that are strong in this area?

Because there are hundreds of schools that are part of the tuition exchange networks (TE, TEP, FACHEX), and business and econ are such popular majors, most of the schools will have these available. I think you would get better advice if you narrowed in on the type of school you wanted. You can also search through the schools available by several filters here: Tuition Exchange - Meet the Staff


Thank you! Good to hear that about Seton Hall, we have not visited as I was thinking for my junior not my senior. I had heard a lot of students go home on weekends so that was a concern, but we will still plan on checking out it. Good luck!

I checked the TE portal.

Pitt was sure to get their denial in there. Haha. All the other schools–even the one that said 23 gets TE–have “awaiting decision” listed.

Does the portal get accurately updated at some point?

I think it depends on the school. We’ve heard back from 4 schools and they all updated the portal within a few days of giving us notice. They’re all accurate except the school where our kid withdrew his app listed the status as denied rather than withdrawn. For at least one, the first notice was via the email alert that the portal had changed. For others, an email came directly from the school first.

I’ve heard of the portals being updated way later after notice, or never for some schools.

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The only school that updated my son’s right away was where he was offered the TE grant, which was nice :laughing: There are two other schools where we know he has been denied at, one hasn’t updated and one has half updated–for several schools he applied through multiple different programs, so no idea why they would update that he was denied in one and not the other? We received emails saying he was denied both ways. Perhaps sloppy admin?

I agree with @ColdWombat that this seems to be very school specific in how they deal with updating the TE portal status.

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My D23 has a few TEs at this point, all are updated but one in the portal. The one not updated in the portal is about two weeks overdue, so clearly some just don’t update right away. The others were pretty quick.


S23 and both parents got an email that he’s been waitlisted for TE at University of Delaware. They’ve stated in the past that they award 18 and waitlist 18 – not sure about this year.

We had preemptively signed up for the visit day April 15th (haven’t been yet), so I’m guessing we’ll cancel that if we haven’t heard the final verdict by then. I know he’s going to be itching to have committed somewhere by that point. It’s full tuition though, so it would be a very tempting offer!