Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

D got denial of TE at U Del. First TE notice for her and it was not a good one.

There is a TE portal? How do I access that? How did I not know? I see a login that asks for a TE code. I don’t remember getting a code.

Under Families, Then scroll down to Application Status

Thanks! It was pretty useless. The only status was Pitt’s. St. Lawrence wasn’t updated and she got accepted with it. Waiting on Syrac.

D23 rejected from UD (3.9). Not happy, but she has a number of TEs at this point, so she’ll be ok.

Trying to keep a running dated list of when TE’s come out - at the end of this process I’d like to make a post on this thread listing as best I can all the dates of when offers were made (with some rough ideas of stats for people who were accepted/waitlisted/rejected), so that next year’s parents have a good “calendar” guide to use. I used TE 2022 and TE 2021’s threads extensively, but the exact dates and stats were never entirely clear/organized.

Good luck to all.


Sorry to hear that. I am glad she has some other good options. My son is clinging to his one TE offer :smile: and some other decent merit aid offers. He got notice of another waitlist just this morning. So he’s gotten 2 denials, 2 waitlists, and 1 award so far. He’s very interested in both his waitlist schools, and 1 of the remaining schools he hasn’t heard back from yet. I have mixed feelings about the waitlists. It’s nice to have a shot, but also he needs to make a decision in the next month or so!

I love that idea and I’d be happy to contribute any info I have gleaned from reading past threads and personal experience.


Did it show up on the portal? on our letter from RIT it said that “Tuition exchange application review is pending, notification will be released at a later date.” I wonder if this means he was waitlisted for TE?

That’s what ours initially said as well. A couple days later they updated the admissions portal with new letters. He was in what I think was the main wave of admits on Feb 28. He got his notice of TE and other aid all together on Mar 3. They also sent an email and updated the TE website portal. RIT is very good with communication.

I’m not sure if they have a waitlist or not. I believe my son will be declining his TE offer there within the next week or so, and I hope that helps any waitlist folks if they exist. I think RIT gives out a lot of TE scholarships.

Interesting. Thanks. Mine got acceptance on 3/3 so maybe the update will come on Monday.

He should check his portal late afternoon today. It showed up there several hours prior to emails being sent out. I don’t think all the emails came until the weekend?

That would be great (info from the other threads). Once we get around May or so, we’ll probably be far enough along to put something together. I know I would have loved to have a nice organized set of data coming into this. It’s so surprising to me that TE itself doesn’t do this, and very few TE schools distribute any data at all on their own policies/outcomes.


D just got TE from Stevens Inst of Tech, one of her top choices. What a relief!


FYI daughter got TE off waitlist for UD last year…notified May 15.


Does anyone know anything about why USC appears to be no longer listed as a TE member school? Went to look something up and noticed it is no longer there.

You’re right that USC no longer appears on that list, but the USC TE page is still live on TE’s webpage (Tuition Exchange - Meet the Staff) and USC has a page dedicated to it’s relationship with TE (Tuition Exchange - Employee Gateway). So, if USC pulled out of TE, then both organizations aren’t updating their webpages (or there’s just a mistake on that a list page).

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I just noticed that too.

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If my daughter has already paid the deposit (UNF) , do you think they will still consider her for TE, or would they rather offer it to someone who has not committed yet?

My D got FACHEX from Fairfield. We were notified earlier in February, but she just received the financial aid letter in the mail yesterday. I didn’t actually believe it until I had it in hand. It’s her top choice & she will attend for nursing in the fall. She is thrilled and we are so happy for her!


Every school treats their process differently from another. Have you reached out to the school’s TE contact? I’ve heard the contacts at different schools are pretty nice and respond in a timely manner.

Hope you find an answer!

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So far S23 has received TE awards from St. Lawrence, Dickinson and Gettysburg. At Gettysburg, he was awarded a significant merit scholarship that is worth more than TE, so we turned down the TE award yesterday (they do not stack). Still waiting on a few more admission decisions, and then we can make a final call. I’m thrilled with his results. He is a good student with some interesting ECs, but he’s not at the tippy-top of his class and we were not expecting many awards.

Good luck, everyone!