Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

Heads up: Providence College released their TE today (3/15).

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My son heard from Providence College and was denied TE. It was high on his list but thankfully he has a few good options to choose from.

Thank you. I will reach out to them

Merrimack College must have released TE today, my son received it. It’s his first TE. Waiting on Syracuse like many of you.


More Heads up: Wheaton College (MA) released their TE today (3/16).


Drexel just awarded TE today as well


Congrats to your son on receiving a TE to Merrimack!


Has anyone heard from Elon?

We haven’t heard from Elon. I checked the TE portal, and it says “awaiting decision.”

A no from LoyNo. Ugh. My son will be crushed. Going to appeal for more money if it still ends up his #1 choice after tours over spring break. I wish I was richer.

More heads up: Sarah Lawrence College released today (3/17).


Thanks! How do you find this out?

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That is 1 of the 4 schools we are waiting on but we haven’t heard anything yet and there’s no update for us on the TE site. How did you hear? My D was accepted EA with generous merit so TE won’t really affect anything(unless they stack) but we haven’t heard from any TE schools yet so still waiting for our first notification (also waiting on Muhlenberg, Mount Holyoke, and Connecticut College)


Kombucha - sorry, I should have been clearer on this one. My D23 heard from SLC today by email, not offered TE but they said they only had a small number of TE to offer, and instead they offered her merit equalling the TE award. So, I presumed they must have also released the TE info today as well.


Thanks for the clarification. They haven’t said anything to us about TE - did they send you a separate email with the info about having only a small number to offer and offering merit instead? My D also received merit roughly equal to the TE amount, but nothing was said to us about TE. Since we haven’t heard from any schools about TE yet, I’m starting to feel like we did something wrong with the applications. She’s been accepted to Sarah Lawrence and Muhlenberg so far but neither acceptance letter or FA letter said anything about TE. I can see the four schools she applied to for TE listed on the TE website and all say “Awaiting Import School Decision” - that seems right, yes?

Starski - the letter was released today, it’s on her application portal. Explicitly mentions TE, says they only had a few to offer, and that although she didn’t get the TE award, SLC was offering her merit equalling the normal TE amount (two combined merit awards totaling TE set rate amount).

Thanks. She checked earlier today and her portal still just had her admission letter and FA letter from 12/20 when she was admitted. Neither mention TE. I think I’ll reach out to them on Monday. She was offered merit plus a grant that equals just over the TE amount, but upon careful re-reading, I don’t think the grant automatically renews. The scholarship will, but just that alone comes in under the TE amount.

I’m still worried that I didn’t do something I was supposed to do for the TE process.

You should be able to verify that you applied successfully on the TE application site. As others have mentioned, sometimes schools don’t update it that quickly, but it at least shows each school that you are being considered for a TE grant. Here it is: Tuition Exchange - Meet the Staff

Edited to add: I just saw above that you are checking the site already? If it says awaiting school decision, then my guess is that the schools are just being slow.

My son heard via the TE Portal he is on the waitlist for Loyola Maryland. Not an issue for him as he is focusing on other schools but wanted to get the intel out to the group.


That’s right (Starski) - as long as you see the school listed in the TE portal, your TE application is officially in. At the same time, that same portal is unreliable to check offer status - D23 received TE at a school three weeks ago and they haven’t updated the TE portal (still says waiting status).