Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

@Starski checking in. My S23 was admitted to Connecticut College this morning. When we clicked on the Financial Aid letter, it listed his scholarships, but when we scrolled down to the very bottom, there was a separate short letter with TE results (denied). Your daughter should have this too?

I’ve heard Conn only gives 1-2 a year.

Thanks. My D was waitlisted at Conn so we still have no TE data to confirm I submitted everything correctly, except that everything looks correct on the TE website.

Waitlisted at Richmond.

This is ok. I’d said here before UR knew what they were doing by deferring my kid in EA. 23 demonstrated no interest and applied because I asked.

I’d hoped we would get in a visit and 23 would be swayed, but we had to cancel the trip down there.

So good for UR for being able to identify a student who isn’t that interested.

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Same for us at Conn. Did get merit aid but only a little more than 1/2 of what would have been the TE merit.

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My son got a $30K merit/Dean’s scholarship and we are “needy” enough to get a little bit extra thrown in as a FA grant, but COA with no loans would still be $38+ there. He likes Conn but it’s hard to compare $38K favorable there, when he can attend Fairfield (with the TE/FACHEX) at only $18K COA. I guess this is why we’re all jumping through these TE hoops!


My D23 was rejected for TE at Occidental last week. The TE notification letter was included separately as part of the RD admission package. They did give her a generous merit award, less than TE but not too far off. Appreciate how Oxy provided merit $ and TE decision all at once. (Wish more schools did it this way!) Oxy is only the 2nd TE school we have heard from. Still waiting on 4 more…


Just heard back from Trinity College, so that wraps up our final school with a possibility of TE. My son’s results were:

Fairfield University: received FACHEX
Trinity College: Waitlist TE
Boston College: Denied FACHEX
Connecticut College: Denied TE
Xavier University: Denied TE

We’re happy he received it at Fairfield, and are planning on attending the admitted students day in a few weeks. As he applied to schools with really low TE odds, the only one we we surprised about was Xavier. In retrospect, they made a good call, as he showed no interest—not even talking to the admissions counselors when they visited his school. Still waiting to hear back from some non-TE schools to make the final decision.


Son waitlisted at Drexel for TE. Anyone know how often they go to waitlist and when one finds that out?

If he’s really interested or it is a top choice, it is worth letting them know; I work at a TE college and we go to our waitlist as people decline, and interest definitely matters.


Thanks for the suggesiton.

We are most definitely hounding LoyNo. I know he isn’t high on any waiting lists (if there even is one) but we can’t say we didnt try!


I emailed the tuition exchange org about whether USC will be a TE member school next year since they aren’t on the list. They replied with the below link.

For those considering TE next year, the online list of participating TE schools doesn’t seem to be complete right now since some schools such as USC have temporarily removed their name from the list. You may want to check the list of TE member schools again in a few months!

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I just learned the USC COA reached $90,000!

More heads up: DePaul University and Clark University announced TE today (3.22)


No word for us. Likely denied then im guessing.

That’s odd - in D23’s case, every TE acceptance, denial, and wait listing had an email notification. I suppose it’s possible they didn’t release all the TE info yesterday, but I’m not sure why they wouldn’t. I’d shoot them a quick email or call.

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More heads up: I’ve been informed that Elon released TE yesterday (3.22)


You mean yesterday 3/21? Or today 3/22?

I am updating this to say we did not get TE.

A bit off topic but, does anyone know if any of the more likely to give TEP award schools are high in diversity with Hispanic students? This will be a big factor for my D25 when she applies.

Oops, sorry - yesterday (3.21). But don’t go by the TE website, you can’t count on them to update that in a reasonable time. Check email and your application portal.