Tulane or Miami?

<p>I have room on my list to apply to one more school, and the decision has come down to Tulane and Miami. I realize this thread as been done before, but the other threads I saw all were for different majors, and they focused a lot on that, so that's why I'm making a new thread.</p>

<p>I've been told that I would likely receive a scholarship at whichever I apply to, and my family would be able to pay, so cost isn't a factor.</p>

<p>The important things to me are academics in Biology and Math, how good they are at Grad school placement and Med school acceptance (not sure which I want yet), LGBT life, and also, the last thing that's important to me is the type of students there are there. I think both schools have a reputation of being "Party schools" filled with jocks, and while I like to go out partying/drinking every once in a while I really don't like the whole superficial bro mentality, and was wondering if they're both about equal for that, or if one is more friendly and intellectual than the other.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the help guys</p>

<p>I know very little about Tulane, but in terms of grad school/med school it doesn’t matter too much where you got to undergrad.</p>

<p>LGBT life in Miami is great. I’m gay myself and have been accepted by everyone. There is a huge gay community in Miami.</p>

<p>I think UM’s party reputation is dying out. It’s still there, and people still come here to have fun, but it’s more of a work hard play hard mentality.</p>

<p>Between the two I would pick Miami, myself. I don’t like Louisiana - I’d honestly be afraid of it being too similar to Texas and Alabama with regard to attitudes towards gays. But, hey, I’ve never actually been there, and New Orleans is probably more liberal.</p>

<p>In terms of biology programs/math programs, I wouldn’t pay too much attention to those rankings in particular. They matter far more for graduate programs than for undergraduate programs. If you really care, I think Miami beats Tulane in biology and Tulane beats Miami in math. But it really doesn’t matter much at all.</p>

<p>Why not apply to both?</p>



<p>Especially because Tulane does not have an application fee (so it’s just the cost of mailing out scores) - if that’s an issue.</p>

<p>Then, see where you get in and visit to see where you feel more comfortable. Both schools have early action so you should have time to visit.</p>

<p>Regarding the applications (my DS is applying to both schools), Miami is on common app and the supplement has no extra essays. Tulane has its own app and three extra “essays” - they don’t call them that, but you need to write three things (up to 300 words). My DS is a science/math kid too and not excited about that part of the app. I don’t know if that’s an issue for you.</p>

<p>Agree with rankinr on the academics. Can’t add anything re LGBT life at the schools as that is not an issue for us. (My gut tells me that rankinr is also right with his take on this issue.)</p>

<p>Apply to both.</p>

<p>Decide later.</p>

<p>If you don’t apply, you have self rejected yourself.</p>

<p>The reason I don’t really want to apply to both is because so far I have a total of 9 schools on my list, and whichever I choose would be the 10th. My college counselor recommended 7 to everyone in our grade, and I think 10 is a lot by itself, I don’t really know if I want to add an 11th, but I guess I’d consider it.</p>

<p>For me Miami/Tulane would be a low match, and I’ve been told by a bunch of people that they think I’m a sure thing for either, and I probably wouldn’t have either of them as a top priority. More like they would be the school that I go to if I get rejected from everything else besides my safety. I’m not saying either are bad schools, only I already have 2 schools I love, and 4 more that I really like. I’m just attempting to keep my list within a reasonable size limit, and I’m pretty sure that one of them has to go.</p>

<p>Since these schools are so close academically, apply to both if you can and choose whichever school where you feel most comfortable, where you see yourself succeeding, and will not break the bank. You will be there for 4 years and the slight differences in departments do not matter in terms of your social life and other factors.</p>