<p>I'm applying to transfer and I'm really interested in Tulane. I'm pretty confident that I will get my acceptance letter in a few weeks, but I don't think I know enough about the school to make a decision.</p>
<p>Even though I read about and talk to many people that say how much they love the school. many more people are enthusiastic about it than other schools I look at, but I have worried about the 88-89% retention rate. I called the school and asked why it was low in comparison with other schools they said it wasn't, and the best answer I could get was people lost their scholarships and could no longer afford it which is possible at any school.
I currently at Miami University in Ohio, and do not like it, but even Miami has a 1% high retention rate making me think that I must be missing something with Tulane.</p>
<p>Does anyone have any insight? Preferably first hand and not just speculation from hearsay.</p>
<p>I’m also applying to Tulane. It’s not my first choice, but I would be happy to go there if I don’t get into the other school I am applying to.</p>
<p>I don’t know why their retention is low. According to US News their average high school GPA is 3.4, which I thought seemed kind of low for a top tier school. Your school, which is ranked a little lower than Tulane, has a 3.7 average GPA, for perspective. It is possible that students with just okay grades, who have their sights set on other tier 1 schools, use Tulane as a kind of stepping stone, a place where they can proove their ability to succeed in a college setting.</p>
<p>Another thing might be the location. Schools in higher crime areas may be more likely to lose students. And students scared off by Katrina may still be impacting their retention rate.</p>
<p>They used to admit why their retention rate is low. Unforunately many students take advantage of the easy access to alcohol and spend too much time partying rather than on their studies. Many students are gone after their first semestr. </p>
<p>A few years ago they would actually state this in their information sessions. The part they don’t tell you about is the number of students that transfer out because they want a more serious academic atmosphere and not party central.
My daughter transferred out and knows many students who also transferred out for this reason.</p>
<p>I completely agree with that response, but how does Tulane differ so much from other party schools. Ya, it might be tougher, but the students are also smarter. Take for example a school like Lehigh. From what I know there is not a school is the size range we are talking where people drink more, yet they have a 94% retention rate. Wake forest a school with similar admissions and rigourous academics like Tulane also retains 94% of freshman. For comparison Vandy and NYU are both in cities and have 92% and 97% respectfully. I’m seriously considering Tulane, but I feel like I’m missing something because more students leave than any other school I considering. All these schools I listed only accept talented students like Tulane.
There are people at every school that **** up first semester. I know many people who did terrible first semester due to partying, but they still wanted to stay.</p>
<p>I think ThatPoshGirl’s response is very relevant and can be somewhat true, but its hard to imagine people going to a school freshman year just to transfer to a school they could not originally get into. I do know a few people like that, but after a few weeks they said its alright and decided just to stay and not go through with their plan, and that also doesn’t answer the question of why Tulane and not other academically top schools that are not of ivy level.
My intent is not to bash Tulane if thats what it sounds like, I just don’t want to make the same mistake for the second year in a row. Because of this, I truly appreciate any advice that anyone thinks is relevant, and why so many kids leave Tulane after the first year or even the FIRST SEMESTER???</p>
<p>I have a friend that is currently a second semester freshman at Tulane and I know the first part of the year she hated it. One of her biggest complaints is sorority/fraternity scene that fosters the materialistic juicy sweatsuit wearing crowd that seems to be a large population of the student body. The combination of that and the somewhat dangerous city they are located in seems to put a damper on things. I myself have not been there though, so I am basing this solely on what she has told me. If you are one for greek life then maybe its a good place for you. Mardi gras is approaching though and she is looking forward to that so things cant be all bad there.</p>
<p>My family recently relocated to New Orleans and my sister currently attends Tulane, but will be transferring to LSU’s nursing program at the end of the semester. She dislikes the Tulane because of the greek vibe and materialism…although I’m not sure LSU will be much better in that sense. She also feels the caliber of students in her class is not as strong as one would think. </p>
<p>I once held Tulane in high regards as an academically challenging institution…however, I’m taking a genetics class there right now (I avoided it like the plague at Cornell) and I must say I am not impressed. The exam and homework questions came verbatim from the notes and textbook…no critical thinking involved. This is just my experience though…and it’s only from one course.</p>
<p>I believe the attrition rate might have something to do with the high rate of crime in the city. Last semester…there were 3 sexual assaults and muggings near the campus. This semester…I have received 3 e-mails alerts to more muggings. In general…New Orleans just isn’t safe and our city government is corrupt. I live in the garden district…generally considered to be a privileged area with low crime and yet there was a huge shooting down the road from me last weekend and a couple of murders just a few blocks from my home. </p>
<p>Anyway…the choice is up to you. If you haven’t already done so…I suggest you come visit and maybe sit in on a class to get a feel if Tulane is right for you.</p>
<p>Now…I should get back to work so I can take Friday off to start the mardi gras partying a little early :D</p>
<p>Ya I’m not sure if the fratty/materialistic environment is for me, but I’ll know more after I visit in a few weeks. The problem is what to do if I don’t like it. Staying at Miami is the last thing I want to do, but I can’t find any other schools that I’m fairly confident I can get into. I’m also applying to UVA, Brown, and Georgetown. I have a 30 ACT, 3.8 GPA, 3.4 UW HS GPA, Eagle Scout, ect. If anyone has any other suggestions of place I should look into I’d apprecaite it.</p>
<p>Back to Tulane. I’m not too worried about the crime. I’m a decent sized male and can handle myself, but I am looking for a more intellectually stimualating environment than Miami of Ohio. I find most, but not all, of the people here to be ■■■■■■■■! Hard get a creative opinion out of anyone on any subject here. I’ve heard Tulane has a more laid back/chill student body than that of say a more preppy/cut throat competition institution. Anyone else have any first hand knowledge of Tulane?</p>
<p>Have you looked at any liberal arts colleges? They tend to be much more academically focused with less “party” atmosphere, from what I have seen.</p>
<p>ya i have, but i’m not sure if they’re for me. my sister goes to davidson, and i’ve visited her and its an awesome school, but there’s just not that much to do. i’m not sure if most liberal arts schools are like this, but from what i’ve heard most of the top ones that I would look into are.
don’t get me wrong. I love to drink and have a good time, but i’m just sick of people who think drinking is an excuse to act like an idiot and don’t know how to relax and have a chill time. i get my new act scores back tomorrow so we’ll see if that unlocks any new doors.</p>
<p>I am also interested in transferring to tulane. i have several friends there that love it. but, they tell me everyone there is very wealthy, and very entitled, and the school is VERY greek. all 7 of my friends who go there have rushed, and they all come from a lot of money, so it’s a fit for them. i am interested in tulane for other reasons. but idk if thats what you’re looking for in school social life. hope that helps</p>
<p>i do have a question for you ScottSt5 - what’s your college GPA, and are u a freshman?</p>
<p>I don’t know if this is up your alley, but have you thought about UMiami in FL??? I checked out that school and I loved it. I also heard its very similiar to Tulane in alot of respects and they get alot of transfers from there. It’s ranked very closely to Tulane as well (according to the America’s best colleges list, I believe it was either one below it or one above). </p>
<p>Also, I live in the midwest and from what I experienced visiting Miami-Ohio is that it’s “J Crew U”. Pretty much all the preppy kids of IL flocked there for college. So I wouldn’t worry too much about there being a stuck up, rich atmosphere where ever you go because it’s probably not too different from where you are now. But maybe that’s what you’re trying to get away from…idk</p>