Turning down Cornell (is this fair???)

<p>so a person in my grade was recruited by cornell, he was an athlete like a b-ball player. he has good grades, never taken SAT I or II, international, URM, one of the highest grades, no ECs at all except B-ball
he is planning on turning down cornell and going to an average school in our country. anyway, i was just thinking about this i don't noe whether it made sense, it is probably b/c of my jealousy, but just hear me out:
-so this guy he isn't the best athlete in the school board, but good grades and URM. but still, he didn't even apply and got in
my point is:
so many people such as myself work our butts off on apps and stats and hope to go to a good school and some ppl with high scores and good ECs, still get turn down. I hope the colleges will just slow down in their busy lives and accept loyal students. :)</p>

<p>I never heared of a student recruited without (s)he ever applying to the school. He must've applied at some point.</p>

<p>nope, no application at all, a letter supposedly came to his door welcoming him to Cornell. but i am not sure
anyway, you said every recruited student you heard of actually applied???</p>

<p>No SATs either? hmm, I don't know, that's interesting.
But still, turning down Cornell? Who could ever turn down such a promising school? I know we're all so adament about Cornell and I definitely see your point about accepting loyal students.. But gosh, Cornell is such a great school with so many opportunities.</p>

<p>and He wants to be an engineer!!! electrical engineer!!! i was like, are you on drugs man, i asked him that b/c he is fast!</p>

<p>damn it...had i stuck with Volley balll, i coulda been the Sven Giksen of high school V Ball, and gotten in sumwhere good</p>

<p>I don't know whether it's fair, but it certainly isn't plausible.</p>

<p>why would i lie?????????????????????????????????????????</p>

<p>He might be intimidated by the hardcore academics. You never know.</p>

<p>Maybe he lied about being accepted. That story does not sound legit.</p>

<p>I wasn't suggesting that you lied. I suspect you were lied to.</p>

<p>yea i suspect he was so dumb that he thought he got an acceptance letter
but it is actually just a mail asking him to apply! </p>

<p>i don't think cornell recruits atheletes out of nowhere, when they didn't
even apply to that dang school. i mean, its not some state school
or jock-oriented school...its an IVY league. i know for sure harvard doesn't
recruit, and I don't think cornell is desperate to recruit somebody, as i
say again, who didn't even apply!</p>

<p>he probably made it up just to **** you off</p>

<p>wow, I can't type p-i-s-s without it getting bleeped</p>

<p>Maybe he got into Cornell College in Mount Vernon =)</p>

<p>Hahaha, Cornell College. Sorry, that made me laugh :) But it is possible..</p>

<p>athletes have to apply no matter what. you don't just get a welcome letter. i would know, i went through the whole recruitment process</p>

<p>What sport do you play, Cornellbabe?</p>

<p>field hockey, but i quit. it takes away way too much time, my grades would be terrible.</p>

<p>Yeah.. I know a lot of people that has happened to. So much other stuff to do in college, I guess :)</p>