Tutwiler layout?

<p>I’m doing my room selection later tonight in Tutwiler and was wondering if anyone has the layout of the floors. When I called to inquire about this they said that they don’t make the floor plan available “anymore” so I’m thinking maybe someone out there has it? Or if you are living/lived in Tutwiler, could you describe it and which ones have good views?</p>

<p>Thanks! (:

<p>I doubt anyone has the layout of the floors since that was discontinued awhile ago for security reasons. </p>

<p>If you’re trying to figure out where room WXYZ is, then you might ask an existing Tut student.</p>

<p>My DD lives in Tut…she has the last room on the end near the stairwell…it is quiet since it’s not near the end of the hall by the lounge and elevators. Room is long with one side having a double closet then next to that is a mirror with two sets of drawers side by side under the mirror (I think there are 3 or 4 drawers) then next to that is another double closet and then finally a desk with a couple of drawers and self above it. At the end of the room is the heating/air conditioning unit with a window and ledge above it. along the wall opposite the closets are the girls bed and a small desk (built in) in between them. At the end of the room by the door is the frig/microwave unit. there were pics on the housing website that showed what the rooms looked like…are those gone…thought I saw them the other day?</p>

<p>I think OP was wanting to know which rooms had good view of campus.</p>

<p>sorry…missed that one! Good question…DD’s room is 315…she looks at the Side drive and the houses behind Tut…ie: not a good view.</p>