Two degrees how many diplomas?

When a student earns an undergraduate degree from 2 different colleges within the university do they get two diplomas?

@SEA_tide could answer this! :smiley:

One diplomas per degree.

My son graduated in December with a CS major and Math major (two different colleges) and only got one actual diploma for his undergraduate degree. I questioned my son about this and he said that he was told he had to choose which degree was going to be published in the graduation program (only one was) and which diploma he wanted. I/he was told that we could “buy” the other one by another parent, but we never looked into it to see if that was true. This was our experience - hope it helps. (He did get a honors college certificate/diploma mailed with his u/g diploma.)

Are you talking about dual majors or two separate undergraduate degrees?

My daughter had 3 majors from 2 different colleges. She was listed in the program under one school, attended one ceremony and got one diploma.

@SEA_tide got two degrees, but they were undergrad and grad degrees…so he probably got two diplomas…one for bachelors and one for masters.

Those in the STEM to MBA program are likely going to get two diplomas.

DS just graduated in May with undergrad in ChemE and Biology (so different colleges), also got a Masters in Biology. Was listed in the program for all three, 2 in Sciences and 1 in Engineering. Only attended one ceremony, but that was his choice. We have received 4 diplomas at the house. One for each of the three degrees and one for the Honors College.

Not sure why we seem to be getting different answers from each responder.

Two majors, one degree. Two different undergraduate degrees meeting all requirements for each degree would be two diplomas. Example: a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science with all requirements met for each individual degree would be two diplomas.

Just curious, @4kidsdad, have you had a student graduate from UA?