Typical Cane?

<p>So my uncle went to U back in the day and he always says its an "international school." but then again my friend goes there and she said its all white and it seems to be stuck up. if I really want to go there am I going to feel out of place if im not the most outgoing and skinny person lol? </p>

<p>Other people i know there seem to have trouble fitting into a group of friends. </p>

<p>So, can someone tell me what a typical cane is like?!</p>


<p>Ummm… well… your friend is… just… wrong. We’re rated #1 by Princeton review for culture/class interaction, and it’s true. Only 56% of students here are white. </p>

<p>10% are Black, 7% are Asian, and 27% are Hispanic. I don’t know where your friend has been, but it’s not UM. </p>

<p>And I don’t think most UM students are stuck up. Maybe some are. But I’ve not encountered it too much. Of course, everyone has their different points of view. I’d recommend a visit, get a feel for the place if you’re able.</p>

<p>you can also find lots of topics on the forum about this subject.</p>

<p>But, no. We’re not all white, far from it.</p>

<p>The reason it seems like UM is all white sometimes is because most kids who live in the dorms are white. Most of the Hispanic population is from Miami, so they’re commuters.
Classes are completely different and definitely very diverse.
Also, there are tons of international and exchange students at UM. One of my closest friends last year was from Scotland.</p>

<p>I don’t know whether those exact percentages are correct but it definitely feels like most of the school is white… and I won’t deny that there are a lot of stuck up people here. Not everybody, but quite a few just my honest opinion.</p>