U guys are so much nicer


<p>hey, 26e, now you don't have to write out chibiajiajin all the time! lol</p>

<p>when have i ever written out chibia-whatever?</p>

<p>lol, yea, but the way you split up my name never makes sense anyways lol. let's stick w/ chi, shall we? haha</p>

<p>what if i should have occasion to talk about the conflict within my inner chi, or whatever? what then, chi?</p>

<p>hmm, we'll figure it out when we come across that problem (haha, my basic plan in life - figure it out when you get there)</p>

<p>i love that plan. my personal favourite</p>

<p>lol. there's nothing wrong with QAF!!! ;) chi doesn't really fit u, chi. i'm gonna come up with another name for u.</p>

<p>i actually thought i'd make a rather cute chi.... ^_^</p>

<p>woah, this thread got so long overnight! haha...</p>

<p>i'm just talking about the name. not the anime character. </p>

<p>{<em>Zhang</em>} : me and chi talk a lot. when i say a LOT i mean like A LOT!!!! it's actually quite normal for me and chi.</p>

<p>haha zhang, yeah, me & chi to that did see</p>

<p>wow...i'm such a geek!!!!</p>

<p>talking is the least geekish thing you can do! haha!</p>


<p>but quality is more important than quality</p>

<p>zhang - since everyone seems to be talking about me <em>cough mimisugar cough 26e cough</em> i just thought i'd stop by and say hi. yea, we stayed up late last night, continuing this thread - well, not that late for me, but poor 26e was up till 1 am or so (hehehe - time zones) i just like to talk in general, with anyone and everyone who's friendly ^_^</p>

<p>mimisugar: i know you weren't talking about the anime character, but i still thought i'd make a rather cute chi hahah. besides, the character's blonde, and i'm obviously not!</p>

<p>26e: you forgot to put quantity somewhere in your statement lol and for "yeah, me & chi to that did see" did you make that rhyme on purpose? lol (i love things that rhyme! haha) ^_^</p>

<p>chi, u have ur blonde moments...</p>

<p>so ur like 1/2 a blonde right now</p>

<p>where the hell do you get 1/2 blonde right now?? where are the numbers coming from! and i don't have blonde moments!! i have "naive" moments. hah!</p>

<p>what, chibby, u think i usually write in iambic pantametre?</p>

<p>Canterbury Tales ^_^</p>
