I <3 Penn

<p>As the title says, I LOVE PENN!! As I’m sure most of you here do. Otherwise, what are you doing here?!?! lol. Anyways, after going through CC, I find that I love Penn more and more everyday. The people, whether they’re prospective students, current students, or alumni, are all so friendly, helpful, and supportive of each other. In concern with the prospective students, I am happy to say that I would love to go to class with these people (now if only I could get in, as well as everyone else, and see all this realized). </p>

<p>So, just some things I love about Penn:
-Location: a city, not too big, not too small, great history, great architecture
-The campus: BEAUTIFUL!! great old buildings, Locust Walk, again great architecture
-The facilities: c’mon, it’s an Ivy League, of course it has great facilities! but for me, most especially the Language Center.
-The people: friendly, social, know how to have fun, yet still some of the smartest people out there, helpful, supportive
-The seasons: omg! there are four seasons! haha, hey, i’m coming from SoCal, where there’s sun and rain. the end.</p>

<p>What I love about Penn on CC:
-The Random Comment Thread - one of the best ideas ever thought up; props to the OP
-how many threads starts out with a serious topic, but sooner or later diverge into totally random topics that really belong on the Random Comment thread
-the support of everyone: read the first few pages of the Random Comment Thread, the Nervous/Anxious thread, and the Read My Essay Por Favor thread (where 26e and I support dw51688 as his own personal AA :slight_smile: lol)</p>

<p>and so much more, but these are what are foremost in my mind right now. so people, post here what you love about Penn, or about the Penn forum on CC! just watch…it’ll soon diverge into a whole bunch of random comments…(including my own as i’ll probably add as i go along more things i love about Penn and this forum)</p>

<p>invasions of prospective cornellians as a warm-up for invasions of cornellians when we get on campus</p>

<p>how so many people offer to read other people's essays - i wish i'd had CC when i was writing mine!</p>

<p>i cannot even imagine how i could have POSSIBLY gotten in if it wasnt for CC....i still might not get in, but you know what i mean</p>

<p>even if i don't get in, i'll still have fun memories of CC</p>

<p>other good things i found by going ot the Penn SUmmer Science Academy:</p>

<li>they arent lying when they say everything is within walking distance. i was able to go across most of the main campus in about 5 min.
-the quad is huge, easily have two different games going on. ive seen ultimate ang soccer at the same time. </li>
<li>i took a physics program. i met some of the researchers and teahcers THEY ARE SO NICE. they really enjoyed having us there. they werent all wary about us going into their lab and have us seeing and touching some of the not so expensive stuff. </li>
<li>the facilites for David Rittenhouse Labrotories(physics and engineering mostly i beleive) is freaking awesome. </li>
<li>1920 commons and houston hall are 2 main places ot eat. 1920 is ehh but houston <em>drools</em> so much variety, pizza, cheesestaek, pasta, sushi, CANDY, chips, soda, sweets
-the city around campus:
BOOKSTORE is really good. like a barnes and noble but about half is devoted to school supplies and penn stuff.
STORES: cereality(google this awesome place), a few diners, a indian place that was always closed when i had a desire for indian food, Wawa($2-$5 dinners), starbucks, ben and jerry's, and random clothing and perfume stores.
FOR FUN: Arcade(good stuff had tekken 5 over the summer), the bridge(movie theater, $10 a ticket $7 for student. SO WORTH IT. leather seats that recline), there is supposedly a bowling place.
-subway neccessary locations:
PAT'S and GENO's: two best philly cheesteak places EVER.
SOUTH STREET: nice views, restaurants, i think there are some clubs(saw guy with hair stiking up each spike probably a foot long and gold tipped), and weird stores like a poster store and some kinky sex stores.
OLD PHILIDELPHIA: really pretty and a nice place to walk. CHINATOWN had a penang's. <em>drools again</em></li>

<p>damn it this makes me want to go even more.</p>

<p>penn bookstore=so goddang awesome</p>

<p>yeha and it seems they always habe a huge stock. i was there when the latest harry potter came out. for the 2 weeks after it came out that i was there, They never ran out of copies. so weird.</p>

<p>i love the Bookstore! when i saw the pic of it on penn's website, i told my parents that now we definitely had to go visit the campus! and like a week later, we did! omg, the foreign language section is amazing!!! soo many french books in the original french - do you know how hard that is to find in america?!?! i got Rousseau's "Essaie sur l'origine des langues" - though i've only read one chapter so far >_< lol</p>

<p>unique, i'm pretty sure, to only the penn forum:
the mary jane thread</p>


<p>i just HAD to add this:</p>

<p>i love how the Penn forum is also like a homework help site. i've seen so many questions about calculus! lol</p>

<p>B ring U p M y P ost</p>

<p>^haha, just wanted to bump this thread, and also show what i learned today: bump is an acronym!! go figure lol</p>

<p>"BTW, here's your turkey club dw51688, sorry it took so long, but I had to make sure it was a REALLLLY good one."</p>

<p>virtual food service. only here. wow.</p>

<p>bring up chibby's post</p>

<p>HAHA. thx. and shouldn't you be SLEEPING?!?! (see, you can't blame me for keeping you from sleep - you do it all on your own lol) though i'll probably be up all night finishing the hw i should've been doing instead of posting on CC >_<</p>


<p>...GENO's SUCKS!!!</p>

<p>chi, i'm happy u <3 Penn. thank god it's not an all-girl school.</p>

<p>well, considering my close-to-nonexistent chances of getting into Penn, it looks like i might just go to an all-girl school after all, lol, since my next top two are both women's colleges. but hey, my classes will still be co-ed!! (hopefully!) lol</p>

<p>still!! all-girl school ur gonna want to kill yourself when the whole school is on their period at the SAME TIME!</p>

<p>jeez, i wish you'd stop giving me grief about this whole women's college thing. just because i don't have to depend on guys for my existence doesn't mean that MHC isn't a good school. college isn't just about finding a husband - the whole marriage mart idea is long gone. and even if i were to go a co-ed school, there's always the option of women only dorms or co-ed dorms. and you don't have to bring up arguments between us two on CC - the rest of the posters will either think 1. we're crazy 2. wth is going on? 3. why are we bothering ppl with this?</p>

<p>chibiajiajin - even though Bryn Mawr is near Philly, the school it has MOST to do with is Haverford(less than five minutes away). Bryn Mawr and Haverford used to be brother and sister schools, but now Haverford is coed, so even Haverford women say it seems there are mostly women in their classes because Bryn Mawr is right across the street and they cross-register. So dunno, if you are looking for men.</p>