U Miami RD 2021

Results, Scholarships,etc.!!!

-Today, 3/22, I was accepted to U Miami under Regular Decision

  • I was awarded the Cane Achievement Award Scholarship, which is $40,000/4 years
  • I am still currently awaiting my financial aid award package

Congrats! What were your stats to receive that?

Thank you.
-ACT: 27 Composite (highest), 28 Superscore, 33 Writing
-GPA (Unweighted): 3.76
-GPA (Weighted): 3.92 (School’s weighted GPA system is 4.5 for As, 3.5 for Bs etc instead of an automatic 5 for A, 4 for B like a lot of other high schools; you can receive a 5 only with a 97 or higher in an honors or AP class)
-Extracurriculars: Leader of school’s black history program, founder of Christian Fellowship club, Medical Club, Tutoring, selected & attended American Legion’s Boy’s State, Worked 25 (kinda crazy lol) hours a week junior year, worked about 10 hours a week 1st semester of senior year, Boys to Men Fellowship club, and Junior Achievement Program.

  • Freshman & sophomore: 1 honors, a year ahead in math and science & everything else was regular
  • Junior Year: 3 honors & 1 AP class
  • Senior Year: 4 AP classes, Spanish 4 (advanced/college level) plus 2 regular classes
  • Other Circumstances: I also wrote about certain circumstances that affected my academic performance throughout high school. Yes, of course, my GPA is still considered above average, but it could have been significantly higher if certain things (family issues & deaths/working so much) did not occur in my life throughout my high school career.
  • Essay: I can honestly say that it was very strong; I talked about how certain experiences in my life have affected who I am today (perseverant, humble etc). I kinda showed who I am internally & externally & the challenges I’ve faced (and conquered).

Okay this might sound very silly of me, but how do I see if I got accepted? I haven’t received and email or anything about it but I have seen that some people have gotten accepted already, will they send out an email or do I have to log into the portal and see for myself?

I saw that I was accepted when they emailed me about a scholarship, so i think you should check canelink.