U of A Honors College

<p>How hard is it to get into, what are the qualifications exactly?</p>

<p>From the U of A web site:
There is no “typical” Honors student, because Honors students’ academic interests and extra-curricular activities vary widely. As such, we don’t have hard-and-fast “cut-off” numbers for inviting students to join The Honors College. Honors students are characterized by their focus and engagement as well as by their achievements. For the class entering in the Fall 0f 2005, the average SAT score was 1300; the average ACT was 29; the average unweighted academic GPA was 3.88. </p>

<p>Check out this link for more info: <a href="http://www.honors.arizona.edu/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.honors.arizona.edu/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>i got into the honors college with a 3.3 weighted gpa, 1450 SAT (2210) from a private school. idk if that helps. friend got in with very similar grades.</p>

<p>I was not accepted into the honors college with a 4.2 w (3.6uw), 1270 SAT.</p>

<p>The UA Honors College, from what I know (a senior at a Tucson High school), has gotten many different reviews...</p>

<p>Some (people advocating the UA) have told me it's like attending a Liberal Arts college, while others (students and staff @ UA) say there's few differences to the regular university.</p>


<p>^^^^definitely not true. the honors college gives you so many advantages it is ridiculous, priority scheduling being the biggest of them. there is also much more personal attention, if you choose to look for it, and a very close knit community.</p>

<p>i take advantage of none of those (besides priority scheduling) but i know that i could, and i have friends that do.</p>

<p>priority scheduling and the extended library card are the only two real benefits I've heard of. </p>

<p>I was told it's not very academically rigorous.</p>

<p>It gives you more research opportunities as professors love to work with the honors students. You get to do more then the grunt work as far as research and are involved with all phases of it. Also you get personalized attention in your thesis which all honors students do. The honors classes are very small and you get to know your professors well. That being said after junior year you no longer get priority registration but it does help for the 1st 2 years. You also have another advisor which is helpful in a large university.</p>

<p>I have a 3.7 unweighted GPA, 33 ACT, 1430/2180 SAT, and 25 honors or AP classes by the time I graduate. And I didn't get in. The reasoning I received? My unweighted GPA is too low. Well guess what, if you take 25 honors/AP classes, your GPA is going to generally be lower than those students who only complete 10 honors/AP classes in HS (which is the average # for those students in the UA Honors college). But hey, I got into the University of Texas Honors Program, and that's actually a good school. So whatever.</p>

<p>veggie, you see, obviously you wanted to go to arizona more than texas. You got into the honors program at texas, great, congrats, but I can tell you one thing, if I got into the UT honors program and not the UofA program, I wouldnt write on a message board about how its unfair that I didnt get in to Arizona honors and than claim that texas is a better school. I find it humorous that you wrote all that and at the end try and put UA down for not being as good of a school as Texas, when in fact its clear that you wanted to be in the UA honors program more. Have a good 4 years at your second choice school. So whatever. Go Wildcats.</p>

<p>veggie, i got in with a 3.3 weighted gpa and 12 honors/AP classes and a 1450/2210 SAT.</p>


<p>UA rejected you with a 3.7? yikez! and a 33?</p>

<p>You're OOS, right?</p>

<p>Man that blows.</p>

<p>I got in with a 3.98 UW GPA, 33 ACT, and almost as many AP/honors classes as possible (about 16, including senior year.)</p>

<p>You can get in after 1 semester if you do well which it sounds like most of you will. Just re-apply 2nd semester. My D transferred in with a 3.8 GPA sophomore year, they did not look at her SAT from high school which was 1340, just went off of GPA. Freshman year she applied and did not get into the honors college at U of A but did get in to ASU's honors program. She ended up in San Diego however and transferred back to AZ. They used to go by computer input for honors , strictly numbers, and now they consider the whole person, activities, recommendations etc.</p>