U of A regular vs ASU Honors

<p>I was accpeted to U of A, but not in the Honors. However, I was admitted to ASU Honors. Which one would be better (I have no idea what I want to major in)??!!!</p>

<p>The two schools are very different -- in size. location, and just overall atmosphere. Have you visited either? Academically the two schools are very similar, except for those particular majors where one school has a distinct advantage -- for example, UA for physics, life sciences, and dance, and ASU for music, engineering, and architecture/design. So without a specific major, you should go by which school "fits" you the best in terms of those other variables.</p>

<p>But if you don't have a preference for one school over the other, acceptance into Barrett Honors College definitely puts the advantage with ASU, in my opinion. BHC is a great program (far better than UA's honors program, by the way). Especially if you are undecided about your major, you should consider BHC, because you will get the benefit of extra advisors in the first two years, as well as other perks that come with BHC. Also the new BHC "village" is currently under construction and will open in Aug. 2009 -- in time for your sophomore year. Check out ASU's website for more info about it; it's going to be awesome.</p>

<p>Thanks worried_mom. But what happens if it was beteen U of A and ASU, neither Honors. Which school would you recommend. I visited and liked both</p>

<p>worried_mom's comments pose another question:
which would be the better choice: attending U of A with Honors acceptance or ASU with Honors acceptance.
That's the predicament I'm in right now.</p>

<p>I agree with worried_mom's comment that BHC is better than UA's honor program so ASU honor seems to be a better choice.</p>

<p>My D is in U of A's honors college got in as a sophomore was not accepted as a freshman and now has a 3.9 GPA. She was accepted to ASU's honors college as a freshman with a large scholarship. I would expect Mario that you will get into U of A's honors college second semester or 3rd so I would compare schools by looking at fit for you. My D loves the honors college by the way and has had great research opportunities as a result. It depends on likely programs and fit. Spend time at each campus behind the scenes.</p>

<p>i heard that asu honors students get a lot of money just for being honors students. any truth?</p>

<p>I attended one of ASU's Honors College session and was told by some of their students that ASU indeed has many scholarships for honors students. But they require you to apply for them.</p>

<p>Not exactly, because Barrett Honors College does not give out scholarships directly. </p>

<p>But ASU is very generous with merit money in general. So if you are at the top of the applicant pool, you will very likely get merit money, and if you get one of the bigger merit scholarships, you likely have the qualifications to get into BHC.</p>

<p>Hey there. I also have similar question. Its a bit confusing since U of Arizona has the much better reputation over ASU. but I'm most likely to apply for engineering or Architecture major, which one will be the better choice then? Oh and if any of you are currently attending one of these schools please read my thread on college search. I'd like to ask more.

<p>UA is better than ASU reputation and academic wise. ASU is a notorious slacker party school which is why they throw so much money around to sucker good students into going there. Just ask any HS senior about ASU and the first thing they will say is "party school". Plus I bet UA has way better funding + research grants but I don't have the nums to back that up.</p>

<p>Barretts is a good program and students in the honors college there have outstanding opportunities. My D picked U of A for many reasons but I do think she would have been fine at Barretts as well</p>

<p>U of A has a great engineering program. I took a physics class last semester for engineering majors and there were some smart kids and good teachers. I have a colloqium class this semester which for some reason has a lot of engineering majors in it and those guys/girls are smart as heck.</p>