U of A vs Arizona State

<p>I have been accepted to both schools and was wondering which was “better?” I have no idea what I want to major in, so there is no one department in either school which would sway me in a certain direction. Which school has a better reputation, will afford more job opportunities, etc. I would appreciate as much detail as possible. Thank you.</p>


<p>Tell us more about you. Are you from AZ? Do you like Science or are you more Arts, or people person. There are more things to do in Tempe vs Tucson.
If you are going to stay in Zona then U of A.</p>

<p>From a straight rep----U of A----Within the state and the US.</p>

<p>There are a few programs at ASU that are better, but over all UofA has the higher ranking in most programs.</p>

<p>UA- better academics, better basketball team, mall on campus, huge party scene
ASU- dumber hot girls, good football team, improving academics, huge party scene</p>

<p>ua has a better reputation so should prob go to UA</p>

<p>i want to go to ASU though.</p>

<p>if u guys know more please post</p>

<p>I have heard that ASU has plans to almost double in student population in the next several years. I would worry about the effect of such quick growth. Go for U of A! (And by the way, "Go Wildcats!" this weekend in the football game.)</p>

<p>Any opinions on the two Honor Colleges and how they compare with each other?</p>

<p>To be honest i think Arizona State's honors college might have the edge but Arizona overall is a better school (academically)</p>

<p>ASU's Barrett Honors College is wayyyyy more selective and prestigious than UA's honors program. </p>

<p>As for overall academics, UA has the better reputation but I believe that some of that advantage comes from past performance. Since Michael Crow became president of ASU, he has put an enormous amount of effort into upgrading academics and research opportunities there. I would still give UA top ratings for biological sciences (especially pre-med), physics, and astronomy. (UA is perhaps best in the nation for astronomy.) ASU's engineering and architecture programs (note: MArch as opposed to BArch at UA) and ASU's music major are probably stronger than UA's now.</p>

<p>Mario -- Have you visited both schools yet? You definitely need to because they are very different. </p>

<p>UA has a true "campus" and is set in a city of roughly half a million that is close to the border and has a definite Old Mexican vibe. Not much to do off campus unless you are into hiking and other outdoor activities. Tucson is in a gorgeous setting, though -- with mountains in all directions.</p>

<p>ASU is in a very urbanized setting, located in a metropolitan area of over 2.5 million people that provides lots of opportunities for off-campus jobs and internships. ASU is huge -- over 45,000 students on the main campus (although satellite campuses are now being developed to accommodate future growth) -- so it can seem very impersonal.</p>

<p>ASU, I always thought had stronger Arts programs.</p>

<p>UA, better sciences programs....optical science is #1 in the US.</p>

<p>My D has said that UA shoots more SH&$ into space than any other university, Mars rovers come to mind quickly.</p>

<p>Ha I'm from Arizona. ASU is not a bad school..but UA u get much more learning...academic wise. If u in to the party scene...go to ASU. More like a quiet and deserted place...UA.</p>

<p>I've seen some things on youtube, and it looks like UA knows how to part also. The thing about UA is you'll mostly be within the confines of the University since there isn't much outside of it. Tempe, however, is like a city that keeps growing. Tucson reminds mea lot like Nevada (Not the Las Vegas Part), lots of hills, desrt and a small somewhat outdated town. Although I believe both campus's are well equiped and nice.</p>

<p>When i was looking at where I wanted to go to college I wanted more of a college type town. While tucson itself isnt one, he area around campus seems like it(university and 4th avenue), so i like it. And yeah, honestly, i consider ASU like a gigantic community college, they have over a 90 percent acceptance rate, that ridiculous......</p>