U of Alabama Auto Merit

My dd received an email from UA today saying she had been rolled over to the second round of competitive scholarship apps, meaning she did not receive anything in the first round but might in the second.

This was confusing as according to UA’s website, she should have qualified for the automatic Presidential scholarship due to her 1440 SAT and 4.0 GPA. She did submit SAT scores, and UA has them.

Do we need to email UA and ask them to place her under consideration in the automatic scholarship category? I thought the competitive scholarships were for those applying without test scores. My dd applied with test scores.

Is @mom2collegekids still on this forum? She might have an answer.

Perhaps call admissions and ask them what’s up.

Did your daughter fill out the scholarship application?

I got the same email, but I don’t think it applies to auto merit awards, because I was already awarded a full ride first year and full tuition the rest of the years. I am thinking this is just for competitive scholarships?

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DS22 has already been awarded a Presidential. We received the same. I would not be concerned. If you have questions, perhaps call your AO.

When did you all receive notification of the automatic scholarship? Dd has not been notified yet. She applied August 1 and was admitted Oct 11.

Auto merit is based on the charts.

After you fill out the additional app for more, you can get more.

My daughter got $24k upon acceptance. It was the auto.

With the scholarship app it was raised to 28k

I’m assuming it’s that second level they are writing to you about.

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DS22 received a letter. He applied in July and was admitted in September. I don’t recall when he received his letter. He recently received another mailing (form) stating that as NMSF, he was guaranteed a Presidential (well, already had that).

For what it is worth, S22’s scholarships are now fully shown on his portal (except for stipends).

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