U of Arts prescreen

<p>We are one of the last people I think to submit pre screens, had a few bumps in the road!</p>

<p>We are confused on the directions for the prescreen for MT, do we need to submit a dance combination or not?</p>

<p>Thanks for any advice you can give us!

<p>I think the dance combo was only for candidates living over 500 miles from UArts and auditioning ONLY by video. The prescreen only asks for 2 monologues and 2 songs.</p>

<p>Preklbt, did you ever get an answer on your prescreen? My D submitted hers on 12/3 but was waiting on an answer to submit the whole application and never heard back about the prescreen. Know she has now missed an app deadline and really doesn’t have any free time to audition during unifieds so that was most likely wasted prescreen money but I’m just curious to know if you ever heard back from them.</p>

<p>We ended up deciding since it was optional, to not do the prescreen & take the chance of going to U of Arts in person & hope she makes it to the callback. I feel like you just don’t get the same feel for the performer on a video, so we decided to go this route instead. It may mean we go to U of Arts for nothing, but we are going to chance it. The auction isn’t until March, second to the last audition for her.</p>

<p>Break a leg at the audition! Don’t know if D can fit even one more audition in especially in March - she has her high school musical the 2nd and 3rd weekend so those are both out. Ah well, no UArts for her I guess unless she can slip in during NYC unifieds…</p>