U of A's College of Engineering admissions

<p>[Future</a> Engineering Students](<a href=“http://www.engr.arizona.edu/students/future/admisson_requirements.html]Future”>http://www.engr.arizona.edu/students/future/admisson_requirements.html)</p>

<p>According to the U of A website the minimum standards for admission (into engineering) are as follows:</p>

<p>No deficiencies in the ABOR requirements, top 25% class rank and ONE of the following:</p>

<pre><code>· 1250 SAT (Math & Critical Reading)
· 26 ACT
· 3.6 GPA
· Top 15% class rank

<p>The Pre-Engineering Program has these standards:</p>

<pre><code>Admitted to UA (top 25% class rank) and NO deficiencies in the ABOR requirements
· GPA 3.0
· SAT 1050 (Math & Critical Reading)
· ACT 23

<p>I unfortunately am not in the top 25% of my class and it doesn’t look like it will change too much between now and the time I graduate (2010). It says at the bottom I can take classes that fall within the engineering curriculum and if I have a certain GPA (varies for each major) I can reapply. My question is that, if I am going to be reviewed for admission to the engineering college, how hard will it be for me to get it into the engineering program? Are they really selective? If I am denied admission out of high school, how selective are they towards people who are already in U of A? Is it worth going to U of A (despite being denied admission into ANY engineering program) and taking the risk that if I do not do well enough in these college courses, I will not be able to finish a engineering major? </p>

<p>Sorry if that sounds a bit complicated, but any responses are appreciated.</p>

<p>my response may be too late… anyhow, the college of engineering is not very selective. it seems like you are in good standing as incoming freshman. if i were you, i wouldn’t worry too much about the admission in the college. take the freshman and sophomore years seriously because in your junior year where you have to apply for advanced standing with required and minimum gpa for each department. i’m in electrical engineering program and our minimum to obtain the advanced standing is 2.75.</p>

<p>tekolehiyo, unless you’ve taken any upper division electrical engineering courses, don’t scoff at a 2.75 as being “easy”. I’ve personally seen bright kids be unable to get advanced standing because they’re off by a handful of points. The engineering college has been making hard hits to increase their prestige and rankings, so they’ve been getting more and more selective compared to previous years as the applicant pool qualifications also rises. The last statistic I heard was that the engineering college is the most elite college on campus in terms of freshman high school gpa’s and sat scores.</p>

<p>Metallic, at your level, I’d say you have a dicey chance that could go both ways. You’re stats indicate you’re academically dead-average.</p>