U of M meeting need?

<p>Need-blind</a> admission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>

<p>According to Wikipedia, U of M has need-blind admissions and they meet full need.
I noticed that on their actual website, they said nothing about meeting need.
A majority of the colleges on this list DO meet need, so I'm wondering, are they simply generous with need-based aid?</p>

<p>It is just an opinion here, but I feel that they meet need and are very generous if you are one of the students that they want and know that you’ll be courted by others…if they want you, you’ll see it in your financial aid.</p>

<p>High-achieving, high-need student here. I have about $36k in merit aid (there isn’t much more merit aid for me to be given, aside from being a Singer or Stamps scholar) and the rest is covered with need-based aid; my bill this year (fall+spring) was around $700. Bottom line: if they want you and you have the need, you’ll be covered.</p>

<p>First of all, “need” is determined differently by every institution. One school may say you have a need of one amount and another school can come up with an amount that’s very different. Second, when a school says that they meet need, loans are counted as meeting need. That being said, two applicants with the same calculated need can be offered very different FA packages. A very strong applicant will have their need met with mostly grants.(Seekinguni) A less strong applicant will have their need met with more loans.</p>