U of Miami vs UT Austin

<p>Sunset it a 15 to 20 minute walk from campus, which isn’t bad at all. You can get to target by the metro in a few minutes. CVS is just across the street and has pretty much anything you might need. I have no trouble getting anything I need… everything you might need is on or right next to campus, and everything you might want is easily reachable.</p>

<p>Many of my friends have suggested UT, which we will consider also, but we need to visit it before we make any comparisons.</p>

<p>We visited UM during the open house last February. We did not rent a car, we stayed at the Holiday Inn across the street. We walked up the block for bagels, the CVS was nearby also, has EVERYTHING you might need. We’re from NY, my daughter commutes everyday to HS (90 mins+ each way) so she knows
how to navigate the Metro.</p>

<p>Oops, accidentally hit sent before I was done.</p>

<p>She’s almost 17 and knows how to figure out public transportation. She knows how to hail a cab. No big deal. She loves the feel of UM, the academics, everything. Even the area outside. Beautiful, not crazy. Now we just have to hope she gets in.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! It is coming down to the wire. For my son’s major, Broadcast Journalism with a focus on sports, we feel UM probably would be better. He is speaking with a dean tonight and assuming he gets the answers he is looking for, then it is UM! You have all, via your responses, made me feel very comfortable with his decision.</p>

<p>Living in Texas I will warn you about UT Austin; It is a party football school. Miami is too, but at least there is something in the city besides the school. Austin has nothing at all except for some Tech Companies and UT. Everything, especially sports since they are the ONLY team, will be magnified x 1000. 6th Street and Campus overall is just a lot of people drunk and partying. The Campus itself is really nice but it is huge. And I hope you like Country Music, because that will be playing everywhere. Academically I would pick UT especially for Business and Engineering.</p>

<p>@dorosenthal18. Do you go to UT or live in Austin? If you do, it sounds like you’ve managed to avoid a lot of what Austin and UT has to offer.</p>

<p>I live in Houston, know tons of people and family at UT, visit once a month, and will be applying there next year. How was your son admitted into UT and Miami as a Junior in HighSchool?</p>

<p>Daronsenthal8, my son will be a senior at UT next year. I would urge you to get out and explore Austin a bit more when you visit. There are lots of lakes, rivers, parks, etc., nearby. Also, the music scene is quite diverse. In fact, Austin is known as the live music capital of the country. My son goes to lots of concerts and I can assure you they aren’t playing country music.</p>

<p>Ok, I understand Austin has nice areas like Lake Travis and Parks and stuff, but in terms of nightlife and music I think Miami is better. Miami hosts concerts from all types of celebs and has famous Globally known festivals like Ultra every year. Austin has a couple big ones but they don’t even come close, and most are country or indie music, which personally I don’t like. I like Austin, but would pick Miami over it in a heartbeat.</p>