U of W Registration System

<p>How is it?</p>

<p>I was looking through it earlier. It looks like there's no WAITLIST option on any of the classes. Is that correct?</p>

<p>So if you need a class that is full, what do you do? Do you just check back on the website for openings frequently?</p>

<p>Yes, you are correct:
[UW</a> Advising - Tips for Getting into Closed/Restricted Courses](<a href=“http://www.washington.edu/uaa/gateway/advising/registration/tgicrc.php]UW”>http://www.washington.edu/uaa/gateway/advising/registration/tgicrc.php)</p>

<p>btw…i noticed that you posted the exact same post (letter by letter) in a thread for Princeton. Trying to get into both and want to know the waitlist system? Or something else…</p>