Is anyone else excited? UA is my D’s first choice and she applied early in July. Reading last year’s posts people starting seeing student tabs pop up on their mybama account a day after Labor Day with actual acceptance and scholarship letters following days after. We have been checking her account, but so far nothing new. Oh the suspense
Just checked her account and she now has a Student tab on top of her account next to Research There is also a Admitted Students link in her Academics tab with a link to submit the Freshman deposit. When I check her actual application status it now changed from “ready to review” to “decision made”
OMG she is going to be soooooooo happy when she comes home from school today!! Roll Tide!!
From a parent of 2019 student, congratulations . I remember the feelings!
Daughter has been accepted! We are so excited!
So excited for everyone beginning this journey! Can’t believe its been a year since we were in the same place. Can tell you that UA is awesome…all that we hoped for and more! Roll Tide!
Agh! First app in, and still haven’t heard! Saturday, DS announced he’s now fully committed to Bama, which is exciting for all of us. Ready for the next step!
@khidhala From what our local recruiter told us apps that go in now should be processed within two weeks give or take. Right now what you are seeing are acceptances from students who applied in July and early August. Good Luck
Once the school has transcripts and scores, along with app, if the student is qualified, he’ll get accepted within days.
If a student is borderline, then the school waits for new scores, etc, to decide.
My son applied about a month ago (sent scores, dual enrollment transcripts), but me - his slacker mom - did not send in his homeschooling transcript until yesterday. Frustrated with myself.
In my own defense he had some changes to his senior year schedule, right before this year started, so I didn’t want to plug in the senior year classes until I was fairly sure what he was doing. I try to be as accurate as possible so we don’t need corrections, revisions, etc.
Hug your school’s guidance counselor and transcript department.
Very happy for everyone who has been accepted so far - great job!
@SouthFloridaMom9 Good Luck ! Hope your son gets accepted soon
Thank you @dutchmomsey!
On Tuesday of this week I was able to access the “Student” tab on mybama, but I have not received an email/a letter in the mail confirming my acceptance. Does Alabama typically send these out later?
@WTylerL You should get your letter in a few days…there are usually two letters…one a small one with your acceptance, and then a much larger one with a framable certificate of admission. And if you qualify for a scholarship, that will come separately as well.
D received her acceptance and scholarship letter in the mail today. She was beyond happy. I hope you get yours soon Roll Tide!
DS got his as well, and he was glowing with pride. The acceptance and scholarship letters appeared to be in the same letter, FWIW. He also got a card inviting him (or reminding him?) to apply for Honors College. Roll Tide!!