UA Early College

I wanted to get some opinions on Early College online over spring. Both my daughters were admitted into the Early College and will be starting the pass/fail course in a week or so. Both totally different students. D1 studies to the point of overkill and the opposite of procrastination. (unlike me) My biggest concern is she is one of those kids that can get anxious if she feels like she doesn’t understand the material perfectly. I’m more worried about the subject being too technical or if it involves math or science. Her strong suit is reading comprehension and something that if she studies she can figure out on her own. She is one of those kids that got a 34 on the ACT English and Reading portions, but a 21 on math despite tutoring in just that subject. She will be much happier in an interesting course even if it is not considered one of the easier ones. D2 has a lot less confidence and reading comprehension is not her strong suit so I think she would do much better if she wasn’t overwhelmed initially.
I would love to hear from any parents, students or anyone that has taken these courses online
We just love Alabama and are so excited for both of them.