UA Honors vs ASU Barrett?

<p>In terms of a business major under a pre-law track, which university is a better option? Any opinions are appreciated, thank you. :)</p>

<p>I don’t think you can go wrong with either business school. I think it is harder to get into UofA’s business school. I believe at ASU you just declare the major. At UofA there is a process that includes interviews.</p>

<p>I do think the schools are totally different in look and feel. UofA is much more traditional feeling in both brick and mortar and the way it feels on campus. ASU feels more modern with much new buildings. I think the downtown area of ASU has a ton to offer and UofA really doesn’t have that same urban feel.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I heard that ASU had a much better honors college. They get first pick for classes, live in nice classes, etc.</p>

<p>While I might agree with the last comment, the U of A honors college definitely offers the same perks to its students (i.e. early registration and nice honors housing). I think Barrett might have better resources because of all of the funding it receives, but the U of A is still a good option.</p>

<p>If you like chain stores and whatnot ASU is your bet, though the UA in general has a far better academic reputation. And Tucson is a far nicer town.</p>