UA Housing - Recontracting Stats?

<p>@beth’s mom;</p>

<p>From the 348-RIDE website</p>

<p>The 348-RIDE (7433) is a free service that will transport you between locations on campus or between nearby residences and campus. Service is available when CrimsonRide Buses are not operating. While all calls are dispatched as soon as possible, high demand may result in delayed response. The service area includes campus and neighborhoods between Greensboro Avenue to the west, 15th Street to the south, Helen Keller Boulevard to the east, and Jack Warner Parkway to the north.</p>

<p>Also found this list which might be helpful for some:</p>

<p>Properties with shuttle service to campus:</p>

<p>The Woodlands
The Retreat at Lake Tamaha
University Village
Boardwalk at Brittain Landing
Crimson Student Living
Campus Way
The Links
The Greens
East Edge Apartments</p>

<p>I, too, feel uncomfortable with not knowing ahead of time whether my DS will have a room on campus. Luckily he did get one for next year, but junior and senior years it seems unlikely. We live in RI so it is a 1200 mile drive for us, not easy or fun. I do think it would be very convenient for him to have a year round apartment that we won’t have to move him out of. However, knowing how quiet and reserved he is I worry that being away from campus may just cut him off from college life. Right now he doesn’t socialize with his roommates, I am not sure what would happen if he were away from campus. My friends daughter goes to BU and they have guaranteed housing for all 4 years in a city! That’s nice.</p>

<p>I understand that Presidential II will open Fall 2014 and add new bed space. Does anyone know how that ties in with the plans to remove Tut and make that space available for Greek housing/expansion? If they add Pres II and tear down Tut then we have a zero gain in bed space.</p>

<p>When would Tut be torn down? I hadn’t heard that.</p>

<p>Good morning,
To address the OP’s question:
All students with housing scholarships and medical needs who met the deadlines were able to recontract. As well, many freshmen who applied early were able to continue on campus, but not all freshmen.</p>

<p>I don’t have exact numbers of how many freshmen applied, so I don’t have percentages.</p>

<p>There is a waiting list that students can opt into, and this information was included in the email students received. </p>

<p>I also want to go ahead and offer another solution for some of you who may be looking for off-campus housing now - we are within a couple of days of launching a new website for our off-campus housing office. There will be LOTS of cool features that will help UA students transition successfully to off-campus living. I’ll make sure to post a new thread when it’s ready to go.</p>

<p>As far as off-campus availability, we know that there is still plenty of availability in the community, including 4 brand new apartment complexes opening in August.</p>

<p>There are no plans to tear down Tutwiler. That’s a rumor and it’s not in the works as far as Housing knows.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>There are no plans to tear down Tutwiler. That’s a rumor and it’s not in the works as far as Housing knows.</p>


<p>I didn’t think that there were plans to tear it down. It’s able to house a lot of girls on a small footprint.</p>

<p>I think the confusion is that TEMPLE TUTWILLER is slated for demo in the Sorority Expansion Plan…</p>

<p>[The</a> University of Alabama / Sorority Expansion Options](<a href=“The University of Alabama / Sorority Expansion Options by Alabama Panhellenic Association - Issuu”>The University of Alabama / Sorority Expansion Options by Alabama Panhellenic Association - Issuu)</p>

<p>Which is NOT the same as the Tut Dorm…</p>

<p>A little bird told me… I was certainly confused, lol</p>

<p>Okay so I had a meeting and am now just catching up on the flurry of posts here. I wasn’t ‘demanding’ a response from housing, I apologize if it appeared that way. Realizing they are so very helpful I thought it would be good for them to adress this in (what I thought to be) safe forum. So UA housing thank you very much for doing so. </p>

<p>I won’t address many of the other comments that have obvious answers here (yes, my son knows how to walk), but at least now we know the situation is that post-freshman year students need to plan for living off campus as a likely scenario. Again, maybe that will be what he WANTS to do, or maybe it won’t be. Earier on in the process we thought that would be a choice. That is all I was trying to get to.</p>

<p>And no, it won’t be a dealbreaker for us, but it may certainly be the deciding factor for many. We are not lost on what a good decision Bama is for my S. We should be able to discuss things her without fear of recrimination also, sorry I don’t think it was a ridiculous concern.</p>

<p>upstate, I feel ya! It’s hard to send a child far from home and for you (and me as well) knowing they could stay on campus provides a safety net. For some of us, sending the child away is done in baby steps, so the idea of moving off campus in the sophomore year feels like more of a jump than a step. It can be done and I’m sure I would have adjusted (I’ve been trying to mentally prepare myself for the last couple of months) as would you. But I understand and hope you will continue to see this as a safe place to ask questions and, occasionally, vent.</p>

<p>Thank you, Janine, for answering our questions. For me, this is a different housing situation than what I was led to believe during our UA tour. It will just take a bit to digest. </p>

<p>I know in our case we have 4 boys that would, at least as of right now, like to live together for all eternity. Two have housing scholarships and two do not. I think the chances of eternity are slim. :(</p>

<p>, but at least now we know the situation is that post-freshman year students need to plan for living off campus as a likely scenario. Again, maybe that will be what he WANTS to do, or maybe it won’t be. Earier on in the process we thought that would be a choice. That is all I was trying to get to.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say that for a rising soph honors student who WANTS to remain on campus, that it will be likely scenario that he’ll have to go off-campus. With the second tower at Presidential opening in 2014, the housing stress will somewhat be relieved. Even if that bldg isn’t honors, i think a number of honors kids will choose to live there because of the rec center and (I think) another dining facility that will be there. plus, the lovely river views.</p>

<p>Janine: First thank you for continuing to check in here and answer questions, we know that you do not have to do this and we certainly appreciate your being so prompt and thorough.</p>

<p>Upstate: I think this is a great forum to ask questions and get answers, but I also think that people (myself included) were only responding to your own words: “I really think UA housing needs to respond here, this could be a serious dealbreaker for incoming out of state (especially) freshman parents”. It does sound more demanding than you probably meant, and you indeed used the term “deal breaker” I was just trying to qualify that this is a public forum and not a UA forum, and that UA has no obligation to answer anything here.</p>

<p>Again, I think we all welcome questions and comments (even negative ones). I know I do. However, I just like to clarify and post accurate information for prospective (freshmen) parents/students and not upset them unnecessarily… just trying to keep things positive and in perspective. :)</p>

<p>I just want to add (for the sake of prospective freshman parents/students), that I was the one worried about housing for next year… My son, who is a current freshman, was not. Whenever the topic came up, he would say something like “I think I will get housing, but if I don’t I will move off campus. No big deal.” Now keep in mind that when he left home a few months ago and headed to UA 13 hours away, he really had never been away from home and was a self described introvert. Since getting to UA, he has really blossomed (is it okay to use that word when referring to a male!!!). He absolutley loves life at Bama, and having to move off campus would not change that a bit.</p>

<p>Yes, prospective parents - do not fret over the fact your student may have to live off campus. The alternates are pretty darn spectacular. In my son’s case, the concern is not that my son would have to move off campus. It’s that half of his current room has housing scholarships (for 4 years, last of the 4 year housing NMFs) and the other half does not. These four that were strangers before August like each other so much so that they’d like to stay together. In an ideal world, they could all move off together, if only UA would allow them to use their NMF funds for off-campus housing. (Hint, hint housing!!)</p>

<p>Yes, Housing-</p>

<p>Imagine all the space that could free up if the elderly NMF’s had a housing stipend to use off campus, as well. </p>

<p>Pleeease?! Class2012Mom’s son deserves to live in an ideal world. I wouldn’t ask for personal reasons or anything. :)</p>

<p>Sorry, y’all. As much as the name implies otherwise, Housing does not control how the housing scholarship works. That’s an admissions thing. :)</p>

<p>OK, we will go suck up to Admissions then. Thanks!! :)</p>

<p>Yes! Yes! Would love to see the NMF students be able to use the housing portion toward off-campus housing. Or even have the option of using it on “UA” housing at the Bluffs or East Edge as they have in the past. I can see DD wanting to move out of the dorm her junior or senior year but we’ve already told her that won’t happen since it’s covered by the scholarship.</p>

<p>Check this out! Maybe this will lead to some good news for some of us.</p>

<p>Google (almost) always has the answer… :-)</p>

<p><a href=“[/URL]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;