<p>I’m looking at both schools very seriously for pre med. both schools have their pros but I can’t find enough on ether to rule one better than the other. Does anyone have any insight to which I am better off at? Thanks!</p>

<p>Which one has committee letters of recommendation? Answer:UA
Which one will provide shadowing experiences during school? UA
Which one has mock interviews with admission members? UA</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK with your decision…ROLL TIDE</p>

<p>Thanks for your help!
I still am having a hard time comparing the two! any info will help!</p>

<p>Have you visited Bama?</p>

<p>Will you be a Special Ed major as a premed student?</p>

<p>I’m not sure what info you want in regards to comparisons for premed students. WVA’s comments are correct, but not sure if that’s all that you’re asking.</p>

<p>Premed classes aren’t unique. They’re the regular science classes of Bio, Chem, OChem, Physics, etc. </p>

<p>What kind of comparisons are you interested in?</p>

<p>The special education was for a friend
I want a substantial pre med program that will give me the bases and creditablity I need to get into med school. I need to know about all they offer to their pre med students and (if you know) their percentages of kids getting into med school<br>
I would be in honors.</p>

<p>What YOU do is what makes the difference as to getting into med school. </p>

<p>That said, Bama has a very high acceptance rate for getting into med school…roughly 80-85%. </p>

<p>However, at ANY school, that % doesn’t really tell you much. At EVERY school, many, many freshmen are “premed”. Then each year, some students change their minds, or get “weeded out”. In the end, only about 25% of the students who WERE premed as frosh end up applying to med school. This is true for nearly every univ, if not every univ. Every school weeds out weaker students in premed/STEM program to encourage them to move-on to studies that better suit their talents.</p>

<p>That said, my own son was premed at Bama, and now is in med school, so I am familiar with the process.</p>

<p>Thanks that really helps. It’s such a chaotic process that there’s no cut and dry answer. I am very invested in the field and plan on being very involved. Thank you so much for your help.
Did you son enjoy his time at bama? Where does he go now?
(I’m from ct, I have visited)</p>

<p>Yes, my son really enjoyed his time at Bama. It was a nice mix of academics and social, so he felt like he had the full college experience. </p>

<p>He’s now at UAB School of Med, which was his first choice.</p>

<p>I grew up in Norfolk and have three family members who attended ODU. There is no question that Bama is a much better school. The area around ODU is marginal and the campus is integrated into the areas like Bama which has a regular campus feel.</p>

<p>There are still quite a few commuter students so campus life is marginal. in fact, my nephew who is in his last semester there now, has never gotten involved in any campus life. </p>

<p>Do you qualify for a scholarship at Bama? ODU is just as expensive as an out of state student and I don’t believe they have the extensive scholarships that Bama has.</p>

<p>DD is attending Bama next fall. I would never consider sending her to ODU, even if we lived around the corner.</p>

<p>Yes my grades and scores qualify me for their honors college and some decent scholarships
Thank you so much for responding that was a lot of help. I loved Norfolk and the campus was nice but I don’t feel that odu offers me enough.</p>

<p>I know Students Review dot com is not very reliable – it attracts malcontents :wink: – but when the overwhelming consensus is “Stay away from this school,” I do pay attention! And the reviews of ODU are like that. A TON of negative reviews, many of which cite how dangerous the immediate area is. That in itself would give me pause. But I’m a nervous-nellie mom, so take it from whence it comes.</p>

<p>I went to ODU and NC mom is right, there a a ton of commuters at that school. I never really felt like I made a home there. While I did receive a decent education, I had no social life. Bama is a much, much better school in almost every way. My own daughter is considering Bama because of their active student life and honors college. GO visit Bama and see for yourself.</p>

<p>I have a trip planned to go see bama. I really loved ODU’s campus and everything is brand new. Thr down town area was really nice too. The only thing I’m not inlove with is the academics. And if there is no social life there that is a big take away. Thanks so much for the help!</p>

<p>When will you come to Bama? Have you booked a campus tour and contacted the Honors College to set up the rest of your day? </p>

<p>If you haven’t, book your tour and then send an email to the HC
In the email include:</p>

<p>Student’s name and contact info</p>

<p>Date and time of the Campus tour that you’ve reserved.</p>

<p>GPA and test scores (include likely NMSF if applicable)</p>

<p>Likely majors*</p>

<p>Career interests (including med, law, etc)</p>

<p>Anything particular that you want to see. *If you have an interest in seeing the new Science and Engineering Complex, let them know.</p>

<p>Honors Recruitment
Allison Verhine
269 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Susan Alley
Assistant Coordinator
270 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Allison and her assistant will arrange the rest of the day…meeting with faculty, honors people, touring honors dorms, etc.</p>

<p>Sometimes mail goes to their SPAM folders, so call them if you haven’t heard back within a few business days. These ladies do an excellent job and work very hard</p>

<p>Thank you so much! I will definitely contact them!</p>