UA vs Georgetown Basketball

<p>UA plays Georgetown tonight. Game starts at 8:30 on ESPN 2. Bama ranked #12. Coleman Coliseum is sold out. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Was too bad our guys couldn’t pull off the win…but they held their own and had some really good moments. The darn 3’s though!!! I think G’town played one of their better games and AL did not nearly play at their best…on a good night I think AL could have won. Lots to look forward to from this young AL team! They will certainly learn from last night.
I liked that one of the announcers said something like…“AL now has a BB Team the Football players can be really proud of.” D was at the game and had a great time, would’ve been greater if Randolf made that last shot!!! but I’m impressed with his play for a freshman.</p>

<p>My son was also at the game and said it was alot of fun. He also saw the VCU game as he is in the pep band. He says that in itself is so awesome. He loves music, doesn’t know squat about BB but is enjoying all the opportunities Bama is presenting to him. As a non music major he is having a great time at playing at the football games and now BB. RTR!!</p>

<p>My son was at the game too. He is a member of the Crimson Chaos and texted me at half time to say, “it’s awesome”…sent me a couple of photos too. He is also enjoying all the many opportunities Bama is providing. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Georgetown is definitely an underrated team, and they were playing pretty great on Thursday night. They barely lost to #14 Kansas and beat #8 Memphis earlier. </p>

<p>We could have won that game, but the team didn’t really show up in the first half. Oh well, looking like it will still be a great season for us, and who knows, we might make it deep in the NCAA tourney this year. Roll Tide.</p>

<p>hookifan and Crimson: Yes, it sure is great to see our kids enjoy all the opportunities at UA isn’t it! I love getting the text during the events! The sports atmosphere is so wonderful, the community aspect and spirit of it all…our D is really enjoying it, she knows BB from her aunts, uncles and cousins who play(ed) high school and/or college so seems to be into the BB season as much as the football. She was at the VCU game too, texted us she was sitting up near the Tubas. We figured it was too high up to catch her… then came a break and the camera panned up there and just seemed to pause on her for a bit!!! It made my entire Thanksgiving holiday weekend!!! She hadn’t been home for the holiday. She had driven back from GA that day with a friend she spent the holiday with at friends family home…Yes! an aside… the southern hospitality to OOS kids is soooooo true!
Anyway, I felt as though that cameraman must of known how I worried all day about her driving back as seeing her reassured me she was back safe and sound! :slight_smile: When she and the two friends she had gone to the game w/called after the game (I had texted I saw her) the other two girls were asking in the background…did you see us???..I felt badly I had to tell them I was so stunned to see mine I think everything else blocked out at that moment. UA’s sports have enhanced our lives as well…we are enjoying watching so many of the games from afar! I hope to catch some BB games in person as well as gymnastics and women’s BB if I can get down to visit in the winter. I also hear the men’s and women’s wheelchair teams are amazing…need to look for their schedules.</p>

<p>trvlbug- We hope to catch a BB game also. I really am not a BB follower, but I thnk it would be great to catch a game and see my son in the pep band at the same time. We did go to the football game parents weekend, but BB is different. In some ways, I think there is more excitement because the whole thing is smaller and it is inside. I am also from Virginia so I know what kind of talent Anthony Grant brings to the table. He was great when coaching VCU.</p>

<p>Anyway, you are right, lots of opportunities at Bama to show school spirit. Just lots of opportunities in general. My son certainly made the right choice when he decided Alabama was the school for him. Roll Tide!</p>