UA vs Miami University Oxford, Ohio

<p>How one can compare UA with MU for a pre-med track.
I see both has same type of scholarships, FA and both has good pre-med program.
at MU you can Major in Pre-Med… MU is a smaller school as compare to UA.
And of course MU Football Team is no match of the mighty Roll Tide …</p>

<p>UA CC board is very Active and MU CC board is as good as Dead…</p>

<p>Majoring in “premed” is meaningless and risky. If a person graduates with a premed degree but doesn’t go to med school, that looks weird on a resume. I’m surprised that Miami Oxford has that major.</p>

<p>Med schools don’t give a rat’s patootie about “premed” as a major, which is why only about two colleges in the entire US have a major call Premed. It’s meaningless.</p>

<p>Med schools do NOT care what a student majors in…at all. They only care about: taking the premed prereqs, cumulative GPA, BCMP GPA, MCAT score, LORs, and ECs, volunteering, particularly medically related ECs.</p>

<p>I do not know if Miami Oxford writes Committee Letters, but Bama does, and that’s a very good thing. </p>

<p>My son graduated from Bama in May and is a First Year med student. He had his White Coat ceremony on Sunday, which was very impressive.</p>

<p>Ok…I just checked.</p>

<p>Miami O offers premed as a “co major”…not as a major. Students still have to have a major.</p>

<p>The co major is just the normal premed prereqs with a couple of one credit classes about a career in medicine, etc. Bama has similar classes in the Honors College. Bama also offers Medical Spanish.</p>

<p>Bama also does the Mock Interviews and has a class where the students do a AMCAS application as well as their Personal Statements, essays, etc.</p>

<p>Bama also brings in the real interviewers from two med schools to also hold Mock Interviews so that the students get practice with actual real med school interviewers.</p>

<p>You really need to visit both schools. Miami is very proud of its Zoology major for pre-meds. Their Honors College is not automatic by scores, requires a separate app and has more structured requirements. Some people prefer the freedom and flexibility of Alabama Honors – personal choice. We were swayed by research opportunities available at Alabama from year one, which will certainly help a med school applicant who takes advantage. We also found Alabama to be more diverse, with OOS students and racially/ethnically. Both beautiful schools and great college towns.</p>

<p>Miami of Ohio has a ~15,000 @ Oxford
BAMA has ~30,000 @ Tuscaloosa</p>

<p>Miami of Ohio has Swoop
BAMA has Big Al, who is much more lovable:)</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Thanks for all the great info on both schools.
Mom2twins - I already visited both schools, I myself an Alumni of UA Tuscaloosa…</p>

<p>mom2collegekids - I agree these pre-majors mean nothing If one cant get into med schools.
Engineering is an exception though… one of my friends son graduated from UI urbana C in EE and look for work for 2 yrs and did some post graduate work and last week I learned he went to med school in Caribbean… Go figure.</p>

<p>Does anyone knows what % of premed in UA get admitted to Med Schools.</p>

<p>MU has 76% and 90% if GPA > 3.4 National average is 47% and declining every year…</p>

<p>Are you sure that Miami of Ohio offers the same merit scholarships as Alabama? We live in Ohio. My oldest daughter would have gotten the Presidential at Bama and about $6,000 a year at Miami. None of her friends got full tuition at Miami of Ohio, including her friend that scored a 35 on the ACT. Perhaps out of state scholarships are more generous?</p>

<p>Does anyone knows what % of premed in UA get admitted to Med Schools.</p>

<p>Dr. Hutt, the former director of Premed advising told me that if a Bama student has a 3.5 GPA and at least an MCAT 29, he has an 85% chance of admittance into a US MD med school. He said that the rate is higher for OOS students…I guess because they have higher chances at both their instate publics and Alabama med schools.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that any school’s published rates are meaningless for incoming frosh. Every school has 4 times as many premed frosh than what actually applies to med school. </p>

<p>So, if a school has 400 premed frosh, only about 100 will still be premed by senior year. Each year, some change their minds because of interest or (mostly) because their grades aren’t good enough to be med-school worthy. </p>

<p>Every school weeds their premeds and STEM students. Those frosh/soph classes are purposely tough and A’s are limited to get those who aren’t cut out for those careers to move on to something else.</p>

<p>My son was a ChemE major.</p>

<p>linnylu - both schools Scholarships cover up to Full Tuition fees regardless of IS or OOS.
MU need ACT 32+ and GPA 3.7+ I always believe that Instate students can get more $$ from local scholarships which are not given to OOS… MU has Miami access Initiative for less income families from Ohio whose income is <35k and student are academically very good.</p>

<p>Boarding, lodging, Misc Items are not covered by both schools.
UA also give ~2.5K if you majoring in certain Engineering or Computer Science I believe… like a stipend.</p>


<p>I think you need to look at Miami’s scholarship page again.</p>

<p>There are no guarantees… The students with those scores will be “considered”…</p>

<p>Priority consideration for the full amount in the ranges below will be given to students applying for admission by December 1, 2013.</p>

<p>[University</a> Merit Scholarships | Miami Scholarships | Scholarships | High School Students | Financial Aid | Admission | Miami University](<a href=“Costs, Scholarships, and Financial Aid | Miami University”>Costs, Scholarships, and Financial Aid | Miami University)</p>

<p>For an ACT 32 at Miami, the student will be CONSIDERED for a Half Tuition to Full Tuition.</p>

1400+ 3.70+<br>
Rigorous Coursework
(half to full tuition per year*<strong><em>) $57,300–$114,500
(half to full tuition
per year</em></strong>*)</p>

<p>so, no, these are not the same as Bama’s.</p>

<p>mom2collegekids - I read that too that’s why I mention UP TO Full Tuition.
One will never know what they getting till they see in writing. </p>

<p>So I dont know exactly how many students end up with Full Tuition at MU…</p>

<p>I believe at UA Full Tuition is grantee and in writing by OCT 1st…</p>

<p>Ahh…I must have misunderstood. I thought you were saying that both have the same scholarship offerings. </p>

<p>yes, Bama’s eng’g will give an add’l 2500 per year.</p>

<p>Bama’s scholarships are for those who applied before Dec 15th.</p>

<p>My two cents–apply, get the acceptance, get a housing deposit down. Don’t wait, rolling admissions are great so your kid gets at least one acceptance in pocket before winter holidays–or even Halloween!</p>

<p>I am a fan of both schools. DS is just starting his senior year at Miami and DD is just starting at Bama. We have always thought the two campuses are quite similar - lots of red bricks, beautiful quads, just Bama is about twice the size.</p>

<p>DS is a business major, but I can say that Miami is quite well known in the Midwest for its zoology program that most pre-meds take. Miami’s stats are impressive. DD is looking to go to med school. When I talked with Chris Hutt of Pre-med advising at Alabama, he cautioned about comparing one schools statistics to another.</p>

<p>Some schools only include sponsored/approved pre-meds (i.e. high stat applicants) in their statisitics, some include any student that applies. Some count post graduation applicants, some don’t. Unfortunately, there is no easy, accurate comparison. </p>

<p>As far as Miami’s scholarships, just be aware of the “up to” and “academic rigor” qualifications. This past application cycle was the first time they offered these size and type of scholarships. Half-tuition is nothing to sneeze at, but who got how much appeared to be all over the board last year - based upon posting on the Miami board. </p>

<p>DD applied to Miami as her Midwest backup - (she didn’t want to follow her brother). With a 33 ACT and well over 4.0 weighted GPA, she got @ 70% OOS scholarship. (I wish my DS had gotten that much - the year he applied the maximum OOS was $9,000.)Other posters with lesser ACT score and similar GPA got full tuition; other kids got less than DD. There must be some calculus to their decisions, but the method is not fully disclosed.</p>

<p>Aggie84 - Son already get accepted at UA. Now working on the Honor Program application, already applied for Financial Aid online…</p>

<p>dadfor2014 - I was born and raised in Oxford until I moved out for college (to go to the University of Alabama, of all places). If you want a first had experience contrasting the two or have specific questions about either place, let me know.</p>

<p>ChicagoBear - I agree you never know what you going to get in FA till you see something in writing from the schools. Different schools use different formulas and circumstances to grant these Scholarships. </p>

<p>Son also sending applications through the Common Application program and he looking at 8-10 different schools also. But Being accepted at UA and a good chance of getting the presidential Scholarship give us something in hand to fallback to if the high reach schools dont accept him or offer low FA… 3 school we interested in IL are UC, NW and Knox college followed by WUSTL, ND and UM they are all long shot but worth applying…</p>

<p>Dadfor2014 - agree, having Bama’s Presidential in hand makes application season much easier. DD got into Notre Dame - it was nice to be admitted, but without a penny of scholarship money. DW is a proud ND alum. However, with DD looking at medical school, even she had no problem saying - Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I don’t have any first had knowledge of MU, but I know several people who graduated from there and they spoke very highly of it.</p>

<p>My S is a freshman at UA and he’s having a great experience so far. We’ve been really impressed by how student focused UA is.</p>

<p>I grew up in Ohio, not far from Miami. It is a great school but very much different than Bama.</p>

<p>It doesn’t have the school spirit that Bama has and is literally in the middle of nowhere. </p>

<p>With that said, most of my friends who went there absolutely loved their experiences and have become productive adults with jobs and many went onto graduate schools, med, law, optometry etc. </p>

<p>I’m not certain of the number of OOS kids versus in state kids. Most of my friends, went with a big group from high school and really stayed with those kids through college. That would be a concern for me with an OOS kid. It might be much different now but it is a question I would ask.</p>

<p>I think that there are many schools which can be a great fit for any kid. They just need to decide on what they are looking for. Big school, small school, type of community surrounding the school, school spirit etc.</p>

<p>Football was a big thing for my daughter and she chose Bama. She knew she didn’t want to be at anything other than a Div I school with a football program. </p>

<p>Bottom line is that if your kid studies and applies him/herself he/she will get into medical school at Bama or Miami. Now if your child doesn’t have the grades or test scores then it really isn’t going to matter which school he/she graduated from. </p>

<p>It would be an interesting topic to delve into with those who read graduate school applications. Is it better to go to an Ivy League and have a 3.0 average or go to a Bama/Miami and graduate with a 3.9? </p>

<p>I know that the Bama/Miami kid with a 3.0 probably isn’t going to end up in graduate school but is the Ivy League kid?</p>