UAB voice/music major

<p>My D is considering UAB as a voice/vocal performance major. Can anyone comment on this at UAB? Thanks.</p>

<p>I think the only person who might know would be Parent56, but I think she mostly knows about STEM majors. Or, try contacting the dept itself.</p>

<p>Is there a reason why your D isn’t considering UA? Bama is well-developed in the performance arts.</p>

<p>Kind of hijacking this, but it’s along the same lines. Just met a parent today whose daughter is a ballerina. She’s accepted at both Bama and Auburn, as well as SMU. Anyone know about the dance program at Bama?</p>

<p>As for UAB, they have a wonderful theater in Alys Stephens, and host quite a number of musical events there.</p>

<p>Yes, D is considering UAB for voice. She is not interested in MT and I was wondering specifically if anyone knew about this program. Visited the school yesterday and loved it!</p>

<p>I don’t know anything about UAB’s program other than what can be found on their website, but they don’t grant the Bachelor of Music degree – they grant a Bachelor of Arts in Music, which typically isn’t sufficient preparation for a performance career. The Bachelor of Arts degree typically requires about half the music credits that a Bachelor of Music degree requires. Female singers who wish to become performers typically need to study at the graduate level because their voices continue to develop in their twenties and the courses in a typical Bachelor of Music program provide the grounding needed to prepare for graduate programs – the typical Bachelor of Arts program usually doesn’t provide sufficient grounding for graduate study – thus rendering a performance career unlikely. </p>

<p>Birmingham Southern, Samford, the University of Alabama, and Auburn all offer the Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance degree and would probably be better suited to a student who hopes to have a performance career. It does appear that UAB grants music education degrees and if she hopes to become an elementary school or high school music teacher, that degree would be useful to her.</p>

<p>txsinger: Has your daughter considered UA for her music degrees. The University of Alabama grants Bachelors of Music Degrees (BM) in performance (voice) see link:
[University</a> of Alabama School of Music Degrees](<a href=“]University”>Degrees – School of Music)</p>

<p>There are also several Graduate Music Degrees see link:
[University</a> of Alabama School of Music Degrees](<a href=“]University”>Degrees – School of Music)</p>

<p>My son has taken several music classes: UA’s Chorus performances are outstanding, he is not a music major or minor but has been a vocalist for many years. His professors/conductors have been phenomenal. </p>

<p>While walking through Moody my son noticed one of his professors and introduced me, the professor took me to his office and gave me several copies of musical performance CD’s he had conducted. It was an awesome surprise for me!</p>

<p>Is there some confusion?</p>

<p>Does the OP think that Bama only offers MT (musical theatre)?</p>

<p>I’m wondering if there isn’t confusion between The University of Alabama which is in Tuscaloosa and UAB (U Ain’t Bama) which is in Birmingham. </p>

<p>And I don’t mean this to come off harsh or rude. But does UAB not have a board on CC for people to ask questions about that school?</p>

<p>No, there is not a separate board for UAB or UAH.</p>

<p>I definitely thought that the op was asking about UAB and it’s music degrees (of which I know nothing), so I was suggesting that she look at the UA (University of Alabama) offerings as they are quite comprehensive. Of course, I think that the music department has a lot to offer any prospective student.</p>

<p>Roll TIde!!</p>

<p>Njbama Uab doesn’t have it’s own forum. I have asked for one but I guess they can’t have 3600 forums so they use a formula for who gets one. If the school is Uab I will be glad to find out for the op</p>

<p>Birmingham Southern, Samford, the University of Alabama, and Auburn all offer the Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance degree and would probably be better suited to a student who hopes to have a performance career.</p>

<p>There may be some confusion. I think the OP thinks Bama only offers MT…and may think UAB offers BM in Vocal Performance.</p>

<p>I believe that MT is within the College of Arts and Sciences while Vocal Performance is within the College of Music…so that may be why the OP didn’t find VP.</p>

<p>Here is the link for the BM in Voice Performance at Bama</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama School of Music Voice](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama School of Music](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>For those who have an interest in opera at Bama…here’s the calendar </p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama School of Music Opera](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>To clarify confusion regarding the music options at UA – The University of Alabama doesn’t technically have a separate School of Music (though they do call themselves the School of Music on their website). The Music Department is a part of the College of Arts and Sciences at UA and offers the following degrees: Bachelor of Music (performance, theory and composition, jazz studies, and music therapy are the available tracks), Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Music Administration and Bachelor of Science in Music Education degrees for majors. Students may also minor in music. </p>

<p>Musical Theater is not part of the Music Department – it is a track within the Department of Theater and Dance (which is also in the College of Arts and Sciences). </p>

<p>Admission to any of the majors in the Music Department and the Musical Theater track in the Department of Theater and Dance are by audition only and competitive. </p>

<p>The opera program at UA is fantastic. They have an enthusiastic, young director with many contacts in the New York opera world. Word is that the University has promised a new opera performance space (which will provide the option to fly in scenery) within the next two years.</p>

<p>Just had a thought - maybe the OP was using UAB as an abbreviation for Univ. of Alabama, making no connection to UA Birmingham. Reading the posts that makes sense.</p>