Hi all,
My son (god love him) didn’t apply for competitive engineering scholarships at the time he filled out the general application. He did however complete the application today.
Since he applied so late, are these scholarships now off the table for him or could he still be considered for them?
His application will still be considered! Our Financial Aid Office continues to accept applications past the December priority consideration date. Sometimes, there are scholarships leftover, and sometimes, there are scholarships that get re-awarded. He did the right thing by still submitting!
Thanks so much for the response.
You or someone else may have answered this already, I can’t recall.
Can you tell me when the competitive engineering scholarships are awarded? When is notification?
Thanks much.
The awarding process will begin mid-March. Students will first receive award letters, followed by emails!
With the award process for engineering scholarships beginning “mid march”. Would it be safe to assume that if my son has not received an award notification by now, he won’t receive one?
I would think if he were to receive an award, it would’ve happened by now.
Thanks much for your help and responsiveness.
Hi @“General tso chicken” ! Yes, this may be the case. Even if a student does not receive a competitive scholarship their first year, they apply for them every year as students! The competitive scholarship application will open every Fall for incoming and current students.
You’re very helpful. Thanks.
Hi! I will be at UAH in the fall and I am currently in the UAH 2021 group me. Many of us have been told we will not hear about UAH competitive scholarships until the middle of April so we are all confused. @UAHAdmissions
That’s very helpful info. Thanks.
@zyisunbroken , I apologize for the confusion! Yes, mid-April is a safe bet to be getting notified! You all are more than welcome to contact our Financial Aid Office anytime! Then, the deadline to accept awarded scholarships will be May 1.
I contacted an Assistant Director at the office of Financial Aid on Wednesday, 4/12, about the status of competitive scholarships for engineering. She replied the next day:
“Competitive awards have not yet been made. We hope to start this process in the next couple weeks but do not have any specific dates as of now. Our office is waiting on some information from another department and it has caused a delay.”
It’s too bad. For us, knowing whether D17 had been awarded a competitive scholarship might have tipped the balance between UAH and her other option, but I guess it’s not meant to be. She’ll have to decide based on the information she has now.
It looks to me like they might have to move the scholarship deadline from the May 1 deadline mentioned by @UAHAdmissions, since it sounds like they won’t have awarded them before then.
Very helpful info. Thanks much.
When/if you receive a scholarship offer, could you please pass that on?
I would very much like to know when they start awarding as well as the amount(s).
Thanks much.
Also, i’ll don’t he same.
I’m sorry. I meant to say “i’ll do the same” but you probably know that. 
Yes, since there has been a delay, the Office of Financial Aid is handling all questions concerning the competitive scholarship status. They will be able to tell you about any changes they have made to the acceptance deadline!
@UAHAdmissions Have they sent out competitive scholarships yet? It is the end of April.
@zyisunbroken I received this from the Assistant Director of Financial Aid last Wednesday:
“We received the budget yesterday and are starting the selection process now. Depending on how quickly our selection committees are able to meet and decide whom to offer, it still may be a week or two before offers are posted to student accounts. We are working as quickly as possible.”
Thank you so much @NerdMom88! So I take that as the acceptance deadline will be moved back