Scholarship Notifications

My S was admitted in early September. When are scholarship awards released?

If you are asking about the OOS scholarships, my dd’s letter that she received last year was dated 3/10. Since we knew her scores we knew what she would be awarded.

@katedot My sons merit scholarship letter came 2 weeks after he was admitted. I believe all other scholarships are in March.

Thanks @shelleyr25 and @jk201820. We are OOS and according to the website I can assume a certain amount for scholarship but we have not seen any indication of that from them in writing. So should I wait until March or have him check in?

@katedot we are also oos. Are you asking about merit or general?

If your S has the requirements for merit, he should have already received that letter. We are expecting an updated letter in March with additional scholarship money. I hope this helps.

@katedot she may have received something a few weeks after her acceptance package was received but maybe I did not save it? You can always call and check on it. The only letter that I have is the one dated March but maybe I did not save the other???

@katedot Pretty sure our original merit offer came within a couple of weeks of admission. We also got a revised offer in the spring. Call the Scholarships office - they are always happy to answer questions.

Yes, we were accepted and a week or so later we received the admissions merit letter. About a week or so after that we got a departmental award. This was all for this year, so a couple months ago.

Do you have to apply for departmental awards separately?

The order was: acceptance, about a week or so later, admissions merit letter, about a week or so after that got a departmental award. None of them were based on the scholarship application, they seemed to be based on applying to the school only. We did subsequently fill out the UA scholarship application, which was pretty simple.

So went to scholars day last weekend. What I found out is that awards that are not given based on stats, will be awarded and documented in the financial aid package in March. So the Engineering award of $2500 is departmental, but it is based on stats and awarded to anyone who qualifies. Other departmental awards that are competitive, would be awarded based on the actual scholarship application that is done after being accepted to the school - one application for all competitive school awards.

Hope this makes sense…