UC Admission decisions are coming in a month!

<p>UC Admission decisions are coming in about a month!
How confident are you that you’ll get in? Are you excited? Nervous? </p>

<p>This isn’t a chance thread. Don’t posts stats, please.</p>

<p>It’s MORE than a month (for LA, Cal, SB, and SD, at the least. Don’t know about SC, D, or M)! I’m trying not to think about it too much (obviously I am being very successful with this effort). I’m still trying to decide what I will do IF IF IF I get into both LA and Cal.</p>

<p>Extremely nervous…it’s been a rough ride including the application process. I have no idea what my chances are. I will say though that I’ll be happy with whichever UC welcomes me.</p>

<p>really, some seniors found out about their berkely admissions yesterday. they must have applied early…</p>

<p>Berkeley releases decisions on March 28th.</p>

<p>I just got my UCI acceptance minutes ago. Got into CHP! So if you applied to UCI, check your status and see if you got a decision. :)</p>

<p>I don’t think admission decisions come out this early for most people.</p>

<p>I’m a transfer student, too.
We don’t get ours until late-March/late-April.</p>

<p>@kb4692: Yeah, the admissions FAQ page says that decisions are officially released starting March 1st. I was surprised to log into the application site and find the notification, since they didn’t send me an email either.</p>

<p>@Dream4Life: How can people already be hearing from Berkeley? They withhold all decisions until the release day (unlike UCR or UCI). There’s no such thing as ED or EA in the UC system.</p>

<p>Merced came out today…for me at least. I got in :)</p>

<p>I think they were the people who got regent scholarship and/or honors at entrance.</p>

<p>Riverside came out 1st Feb</p>